😡🤬😡🤬 You just can't make this up and the sheep all must have IQs below 80 to not see through this. All that flouride, psych meds, and higher education have produced some real idiots!
🚔 Crime & Democrats 💸

I grew up on fluoridated water and have a bachelor's degree and saw through all of this, those two alone can't be blamed for all of the retardation. You left out the media and it's s probably the psych meds that are mostly to blame plus a lot of people were already genetically predisposed to be sheep.
Could also blame excessive immunizations, they ramped that up like crazy with zoomers and later millennials, people ten year younger than I got over 10x more shots than I ever received and at younger ages.
Exactly. I was born in 1952. We got 2 or 3 shots back in the day. I don't remember anyone from my childhood with autism, ADHD, etc, etc. Obesity was also extremely rare.
Same observation here (born 1952). Never heard of autism or ADHD until the number of childhood vaccines exploded.
I agree. Probably fluoridated water, 3 engineering degrees, etc. My father, however, was a John Birch Society member and witnessed some history (Great Depression & World War II) up close, and passed it on. His father before him was a severe critic of FDR. So, awareness is a taught response.
i dislike the "we are the victims" approach to popular credulity, thoughtlessness, and bigotry. The phenomenon of widespread folly has been the topic of philosophers for millennia. It just comes out that most people, regardless of "education," are mentally lazy, substitute belief for knowledge, and are dishonest. We are not immune, either.
Exactly I see people here falling into some of the same cognitive traps that they complain about. It's also another form of knowledge/influence bubble if you only hang out here and never talk to normies.
Same, grew up drinking from a water hose that was laying in the yard, after playing outside all day. I work in IT and they said I was ADHD. Never went through with any treatment because I knew I was fine. It has to be the shots/vaccines.
There's always the anomalies. Thats us!
Well I know an inordinate number of anomalies that I went to college with. Not everyone is a gender studies major. I also know a lot of blue collar sheep, these generalizations are getting tiresome.
Well, tiresome or not, if you can't identify the enemy and its source, you can't fight it. Toughen up buttercup, we haven't even started bitching these morons out yet. Hang on.
I'm betting the folks with PHDs in gender studies qualify....IQ 70. 🤣🤣🤣
Reminds me of the time they had six people on a show and asked them to rank themselves by IQ.
The arrogant PhD in some kind of science, who made covid test kits, ranked herself #2.
They gave them an IQ test and she ranked at the bottom, the lowest IQ: #6 out of 6.