I was referring to to original Tea Party🤨🤨
Only this time we could throw the dirty politicians in the Harbor.. feed them to the Fish they’re saying have feelings and a life…
Oy Vey . . . Have ahhh , tequila have ahhhh , tequila have ahhhh , and think really really hard ??? Another "Tea Party" ??? You Say ??? - I'm thinking a little something different.
Will we get a refund for all the taxes we've paid in the past? Nothing will happen until the Uniparty is sent packing. Regular Joe's don't have a chance to win against the entrenched financial Uniparty. Plus their friends in the MSM will never talk good about a Regular Joe. It's an uphill battle to win against Swamp Creatures, but who knows, maybe if you are associated with the MAGA party you might get a coattail win.
It’s a demoralization and normalization campaign. Get you to accept slavery without a fuss … remember our government isn’t allowed to own land for its own sake so why are we paying taxes to them on it ???
We get posts like this all the time, the reality of the US economy is that well educated liberals on the east and west coast pay lots in taxes which is then used to subsidise conservative voters in the mid west.
If the Federal Government stopped redistributing taxes then the Red states would get very very poor very quickly. Mexican poor. Blue states would get a lot richer
taxation is theft.........
Taxation is slavery
No taxation without representation
and proper representation at that,
oh, but it gets better.
Your employer is also paying taxes on the wages he pays you...
still... in any other context, that'd be called double-dipping...
The Beast
your employer also pays taxes for paying you.
And would be able to pay more if the company didn't need to pay the employer part of the payroll tax. So it's really a tax on you.
yeah, it all really ends up rolling downhill and burying those at the bottom.
Yeah, The "Torches & Pitchforks" Party.
What if it were actually illegal to pay taxes?
Because helping to fund a criminal organization is a criminal act.
Which would make me a criminal for funding our government.
OH please!
Not another TEA Party to get co-opted by the GOPe and turned into a Tax to Death party again.
I was referring to to original Tea Party🤨🤨 Only this time we could throw the dirty politicians in the Harbor.. feed them to the Fish they’re saying have feelings and a life…
Sharks Or Piranhas....
I’m thinkinnnnggg Yes !!
Thumbs UP!
Tax and Spend, Tax and Spend! Yippie!!!!
Oy Vey . . . Have ahhh , tequila have ahhhh , tequila have ahhhh , and think really really hard ??? Another "Tea Party" ??? You Say ??? - I'm thinking a little something different.
Will we get a refund for all the taxes we've paid in the past? Nothing will happen until the Uniparty is sent packing. Regular Joe's don't have a chance to win against the entrenched financial Uniparty. Plus their friends in the MSM will never talk good about a Regular Joe. It's an uphill battle to win against Swamp Creatures, but who knows, maybe if you are associated with the MAGA party you might get a coattail win.
Americans used to ask these questions. We've been dumbed down and now generations later we think oppression and economic slavery is normal.
Bye bye IRS
It’s all so tiresome…
Went now Gentlemen and Gentle ladies, those are some very good questions,
especially in light of what we have seen within the last two years!
Yea the amount and ways we are taxed is fucking stupid. The only tax that maybe should even exist is sales tax because nobody can really dodge that.
All other tax should be abolished, maybe even sales tax.
Sorry for yt, but this is classic. https://youtu.be/dApGdXs-elc
It’s designed to suck you dry
It’s a demoralization and normalization campaign. Get you to accept slavery without a fuss … remember our government isn’t allowed to own land for its own sake so why are we paying taxes to them on it ???
We get posts like this all the time, the reality of the US economy is that well educated liberals on the east and west coast pay lots in taxes which is then used to subsidise conservative voters in the mid west.
If the Federal Government stopped redistributing taxes then the Red states would get very very poor very quickly. Mexican poor. Blue states would get a lot richer
Be careful what you wish for