There is a shitload of info to unpack here. The bottom line, listen to the numbers She's stating. Ladies and Gentlemen, we don't have a Country anymore if we don't have laws. If You as a citizen tried to get on a plane today your literally inspected ass to nose and treated like a terrorist. People just waltz over the boarder and are "released" into the Country?? Try going to Canada and getting in without a passport. Hell even if you have one but have a DUI on your record you can't go in. But, the USA Government which forces you to pay your tithing takes your tax dollars and does fuck all to secure the border?
Meanwhile children are being treated as trading cards that become a special pass across the border and one here we just call a phone number written on their arm and use tax dollars to deliver that child, not to it's parents because we don't know who they are, but instead to a designated caretaker that isn't even vetted, and now we're missing 85,000 kids?????? WHAT??????
Maybe now isn't the time to bring up the man camp on GWs property that is filled with thousands of fighting age illegal immigrants. Hmm, now if that was David Karesh the feds would torch the place. What's going on there?
Way too much shit is happening daily that is marching us towards the USA, you the the Americans that have HERITAGE here, being wiped out and in its place a direct copy of Paris France, London England. Wake the fuck up people.
You go girl! Somebody actually holding these selected officials accountable is a refreshing sight to see. This rep is doing good work for these children.
I like her! And she is correct, it is disgusting!
Love her! Should run for governor of Florida!
AND SHE IS FROM FLORIDA....OOOOOHRAH AND she has a "Do Not Tread On Me" emblem on her computer top....this lady be "HOT STUFF"!!!🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨🧨
They all know what’s happening to those kids and just ignore it
Love her sticker "don't tread on me".🇺🇲🐸
Edit, Gadsden Flag.
Good to see that from someone so apparently dedicated to the welfare of children.
She was prepared, pointed, and articulate!
Damn she's rolling off statistics boom, boom, boom, boom. Get em Mrs. Cammack!🇺🇲
LOL at the 'misinformation' from Becerra. What a clown.
I know it’s horrifying but i kekked at “candies or snacks”
I bet he was wishing for hotdogs.
There is a shitload of info to unpack here. The bottom line, listen to the numbers She's stating. Ladies and Gentlemen, we don't have a Country anymore if we don't have laws. If You as a citizen tried to get on a plane today your literally inspected ass to nose and treated like a terrorist. People just waltz over the boarder and are "released" into the Country?? Try going to Canada and getting in without a passport. Hell even if you have one but have a DUI on your record you can't go in. But, the USA Government which forces you to pay your tithing takes your tax dollars and does fuck all to secure the border?
Meanwhile children are being treated as trading cards that become a special pass across the border and one here we just call a phone number written on their arm and use tax dollars to deliver that child, not to it's parents because we don't know who they are, but instead to a designated caretaker that isn't even vetted, and now we're missing 85,000 kids?????? WHAT??????
Maybe now isn't the time to bring up the man camp on GWs property that is filled with thousands of fighting age illegal immigrants. Hmm, now if that was David Karesh the feds would torch the place. What's going on there?
Way too much shit is happening daily that is marching us towards the USA, you the the Americans that have HERITAGE here, being wiped out and in its place a direct copy of Paris France, London England. Wake the fuck up people.
Moving on. Carry On!!!
LOL at the 'misinformation' comment.
Candies. SNACKS.......WHAT AN A$$HOLE!
Yeah, the buyers of those kids keeps the wristband as a memento...
Let's goooooooooo Cammack! She's great! Becerra defends it. Walks like a duck, talks like a duck, probably a duck .
You go girl! Somebody actually holding these selected officials accountable is a refreshing sight to see. This rep is doing good work for these children.
That faggot is probs on the cartel payroll