I think it takes a special kind of patriot to be able to understand the Q stuff. We were misled so many times but for the greater good. Some people just can't stick with it. We've been through all the highs and lows together. Normies need it spoonfed, where anons are the spoon. I have a feeling we are all going to be called to duty shortly.
So insane how our brothers in the_donald can’t see what’s happening.
Problem is they don't know how to win, it's ok , we'll teach them
They were adopted in the win, we were born winning moulded by the winning
The_Donald = shill central. The demoralization effort is obvious. It was never the same after Retardit killed its spirit.
At least that gave us this .win. A true blessing.
So true
I think it takes a special kind of patriot to be able to understand the Q stuff. We were misled so many times but for the greater good. Some people just can't stick with it. We've been through all the highs and lows together. Normies need it spoonfed, where anons are the spoon. I have a feeling we are all going to be called to duty shortly.
The differences Probably believe in God or not