Dark Secrets Exposed: CIA is behind Deagel’s Shocking 2025 Depopulation Forecast & Official Excess Death Figures in the Millions...
In a world where reality often seems stranger than fiction, the machinations behind global events can be an enigma wrapped in mystery. One such intrigue revolves around Deagel.com, an obscure onlin…
Terrifying. Though curious why America loses 70% of its population while majority of other countries are fine. Why America specifically taking the heavy losses? And it doesn't seem to reflect Americans moving out of country.
Thanks for the insightful answer! I realized when reading your reply how much I sometimes take for granted my/our sovereign freedom mindset that I hadn't even considered it as a potential reason. I think both 1 & 2 are spot on
Yes China could send 200M over and America is “move in ready” with already built infrastructure.
I think it has more to do with the white population...when you take in immigration, the push for intermarriage and birth control you get the distinct picture that the white population is a serious threat to global dominance....several European countries have very high losses also....
I agree, more to do with replacing white people.
It’s less about the colour, more about the IQ: white, yellow = high IQ = hard to mislead = the target.
I can agree to that...we try to say what we know to be true very delicately because we don't want to offend...nothing is 100% across the board...but it is quite obvious Africa was spared the disastrous effects of covid...definitely DNA targeted groups worldwide...don't forget the 23 And Me that was all the rage...
It's more about compliance than color or IQ. US culture has a history of individualism and non-compliance will be a problem here for the DS. The culture in those other countries is more collectivist, so they will be more compliant.
Asians have a higher IQ, but they seem more happy to jump in line and obey. White/Christian people seem to be the hardest to conquer.
It wasn't an explanation, it was the plan.
Yep, a plan to kill us. Hope everyone here is totally awakened to that.
the Bible tells us this is exactly their plan, but Jesus comes back and He heads the war against them. and we all know that God wins.
The Covid shots are definitely a contributing factor toward the depop predictions but get nowhere near the projected population decrease predictions by 2025. There will be something else needed to get to the kind of numbers predicted by Deagel.com for 2025. I believe it will be all out WW III involving Russia, China, and the Middle East. Have a sobering read of the "7 Year Apocalypse" by Michael Snyder if you are a God fearing person. He nails it on the head in my opinion and will help you prepare for what is coming. Game changer book!
So...a nuclear war? Seems like that could destroy quite a bit of the population...sounds like a great book...
We also still have plenty of time for new scamdemics/pandemics to be released...it is all all ready to go...just waiting on the right timing...these are VERY evil days...
maybe that's what the vaxx's are suppose to do, not to kill everyone suddenly all at one time, but will be killing ton's more people in a few more months or years and then people can't say it was the vaxx???
because it's been so long since they took them, people won't think they are dying from the vaxx? just guessing, because they pushed it so very hard in Canada, Australia and the United States, plus a few others, but they really seemed to hit Canada and Australia very, very hard.
And the darned things shed. Even the unvaccinated are getting the rubbery self- assembling clots, according to Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
Think about a lot of cancers, myocarditis and other diseases the jabbers have right now. I have the feeling a lot of people are dying and we haven’t even noticed because all evildoers are hiding it. For example all my brothers and sisters except for my mom two sisters and my brother in law (he almost but instead got the flu jab without telling my sister) didn’t get the jab. Nephews nieces kids all jabbed. I am very sad. I told them since then but they are still thinking I am crazy. 😔
If vaccines (as Gates said) were supposed to reduce it by 15% - there is the remaining 55%?
What kind of disaster or event would have caused that?
Hard to imagine anything other than a nuclear war and a really deadly virus (with covid being a flu on that scale).
The whole covid scamdemic was just the warmup from a medical point of view...they could have killed us all if they wanted to...then we still have "climate change" disasters that can be unleashed...remember the tsunami prediction for out East coast and California's fault lines...and then the threat of nuclear war has been put out there many times...no shortage of opportunity to kill people I would easily say...the Bible clearly states in Revelation how the population of the earth will be destroyed...
Remember they released the bioweapon using airplanes.
Deagel is a Clown front company.
I think we are going to be ok. I am strangely very optimistic.