That's what I started pondering after reading THIS article.
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I started this thread before watching THIS video originally posted by DCGRITS in his thread HERE.
It all makes perfect sense now. JFK created the special forces before he was killed. He knew there had to be a section that wasn't controlled by the Deep State. I now believe there is a section of our military that is still part of the Republic. The rest of the military is owned by the corporation.
MORE FANTASY with ZERO Basis in Law or Legalese....
Just a bunch of Clowns speaking in Common Daily Slango....
So you don't find any significance in Trump re-truthing the Jan Halper-Hayes video talking about the US Corporation being dissolved for a transition back to the Republic?
Oh I'm not saying that at all, there IS somewhat of a Corporation built up inside of the Republic, but it isn't at all what the Fantasy Story Tellers are saying it is....
It's like a Mirror Image of the Republic, except that all of the Rules of the Republic still apply, and so do all of the Imaginative Rules of the Image also apply, but it all depends upon the context of the situation as to which specific Rules can be applied....
It's a Dual System, but the Corporation that SHE is speaking about, is all the Unconstitutional Agencies created Inside of the Republic, and there are many more than the PUBLIC knows of....