Man forced to ditch $115K Ford EV truck during family road trip to Chicago: ‘biggest scam of modern times’
A Canadian man is sharing his frustrating experience – and the expenses incurred – after he purchased a Ford F150 Lightning EV earlier this year.
They want you to get EV's to further limit your freedom of movement.
It's all money making scheme, they know batteries are bad for the environment so they make them in other shithole countries
And then when everyone has switched over they can limit our use per week (remotely), essentially rolling blackouts, cause we the cause. These people are sick.
For this to come into effect the DS/WEF/NWO have to win this war.
If they do (God forbid), you think diesel/petrol vehicles will be sanction free?
EVs are awesome, mine goes from 0-60 in less than 5 seconds for the third of the price of the petrol equivalent.
Maybe North America is not equipped enough with HPCs, but I’ve travelled thousands of miles across Europe without any problems in my different EVs since my first Model S 6 years ago.
Wall boxes here in Europe are cheap as well, and houses here in Scandinavia are usually equipped with a 11kW system anyway, so no need for expensive upgrades.
I don’t buy into the “green” part though, and some EVs might actually be more net polluting than an ICE equivalent.
But they’re just so much more fun to drive, and I don’t understand the hate EVs get on this forum from people that have never driven one, and bases their view from extreme cases like this.
Talking about price to "fill up" is irrelevant, as that price actively rises the more strain there is on the electrical system and the more they swap out efficient energy generation with inefficient energy generation.
The price of an EV to fill up in 10 years -- assuming your battery lives that long -- will rise substantially and look nowhere near the same as it does now.
Some people hate on EVs for the wrong reasons, but some people apparently have a very short sighted view on the things they proclaim as positive to boot.
I get what you mean and I can't say it is all evil. But when they are claiming we are changing the weather and hurting the environment, at the same time "Hey everyone, let's use rare Earth metal batteries and get everyone on e-cars!"
I think their intention is just to have everything as digital as possible, very little mechanical (e.g. cars.)
My point is essentially that they are lying to get what they want. Remember when they attacked BTC due to the environment? Years ago I said it's great as you can use excess energy to mine and essentially store energy. Now that Blackrock bought in, that is what they are saying. And people parrot that like when it was "bad".