Rubber ignites at 600-700 degrees, but burns much, much hotter ( over 2000 degrees )
DEW is a PSYOP to distract, divide and confuse and worst of all, ignore the murder of hundreds of people and the destruction of our beautiful country.
Occam's Razor >> It's ARSON
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I'm confused. What is it about DEW that makes it able to leave trees and houses standing? Does not one here understand wave dispersion? A laser looks like a thin line, but in any and every medium, lasers disperse. If you shot a 1cm-wide laser to the moon, it would arrive at the moon, say, something like 10cm wide, and so on. Shine a laser at alpha centauri, and it would never arrive as a cohesive beam, it would have spread out so much.
I will borrow your example to answer: If the distance to the moon disperses 1cm to 10cm then the dispersion on 10x shorter distance (e.g. to the satellite or to the plane like [1] below) is 10x smaller so 1.1cm, which means: it’s still extremely precise, so the operator can burn what they want to burn, leaving the rest untouched because of no time to burn the trees.
A normal fire would burn everything around while the California fires 2 years ago and the new photos from Maui look quite similar.
I’m not saying it’s DEW but I’m open to allow it as one of the options.
People are also confused because they assume the military is the only one who have it, which can be wrong assumption, because the deep state can have it too.
Any kind of dogma (“it’s for sure this ..”, “it cannot be this …”) doesn’t help to find the truth so we need to be really open-minded and let people dig.
I don’t have any answers. None of us do.
If DEWs exist, we don’t know precisely how they work.
If this wildfire wasn’t connected in any way to DEWs, nobody can say for certain how some houses and trees were missed, yet others nearby or even next door were completely consumed by fire - especially since we’ve heard multiple people saying no firefighters were brought in to take out the fire. But think of the alternative; if firefighters were there, why and how did they select which houses and fires were extinguished?
All anyone can do is point out the absolute fuckery that’s going on. Because truth be told, we don’t have enough information to say with absolute certainty.
It’s an information war, as we all well know
DEWs exist (in testing) and they exist only because we know precisely how they work. They are absolutely the opposite of magic.
As for hits and misses, all I can say is that forest fires are notoriously unpredictable.
Remember we have a lot of people here who push conspiracy theories who themselves don't even have a high school understanding of science.