This is the thing I don't understand about Lyme disease...or any insect-borne disease for that matter. Ticks (or insects) are born sterile. The theory is that they are exposed to the pathogen by feeding on an infected animal, and then pass that infection onto the next host they bite...i.e., they bite something, fall off (or fly away) and find another host. But ticks and insects don't feed that way. Actually, a very tiny percentage of these parasites ever find a host (most die before feeding), and when they do find a host, they feed enough in that single event to provide the energy to produce eggs. They die soon after.
In order for a disease such as described to multiply and remain a threat, you'd have to have most of the population of ticks or insects feeding on multiple infected animals. It just doesn't happen this way.
So, what does that imply? Perhaps that these diseases are actually a symptom of something else they're not telling us about?
There is a crap-ton of question and confusion surrounding this.
What I know, CDC and IDSA should not be trusted - Tuskegee experiment and COVID should have taught us this. They are incestuous in their "research". See history and the documentary " Under Our Skin".
Many of the scientists involved were Japanese and German WWII. Klaus Traub was operation paperclip. (Bitten, Newby) He hired W. Burgdorferi whose job it was to infect ticks for the U.S.
The Japanese scientists were doing this in WWII. This is covered in the documentary "Under the Eightball".
The question about effectiveness is interesting. These scientists were doing it in WWII and then continued well after (Bitten, Newby). The American government dropped/released boxes of infected ticks from a plane flying over the sugar plantations in Cuba to weaken workers. BUT they (ticks) were already infected!!
Lyme can take on many forms depending where it colonizes in the body. (MN Lyme Association). We have mostly heard about how it colonized so that it mimics rheumatoid arthritis. BUT, it can colonize so that the person gets heart, digestive, or CNS issues among others. (Was actually told by a non-medical family member I did not have lyme because I did not have RA symptoms- this was after a positive test result!!). Clinical diagnosis pointed to my CNS.
The Lyme test will only show positive for antibodies. Where it is colonizing is clinical diagnosis only which depends on symptoms being manifested. No advancement in testing has been done in over 40+ years. My understanding is that the blood test is less effective that the covid PCR (eyeroll) and there are over 50% false negatives. Raises a question for me as to why this poor performance is allowed.
CDC allows multiple refills on antibiotics for acne and lifelong antibiotic treatment for syphilis, but you only get one course of antibiotics for Lyme - supposedly for superbug containment. See "Under Our Skin" and draw your own conclusions.
After the course of antibiotics is complete, Lymies need to seek further treatment through Lyme literate doctors and clinics. It can be a bit of the wild west in this landscape.
Interesting note - My Lyme CNS symptoms resemble covid vaxx symptoms of brain fog, rage, panic attacks, cognitive difficulties, etc. NOT clot however.
Is the transmission narrative about deer and other infected animals just b.s.? IDK. It would not surprise me. It would explain how the infected ticks got all over the US instead of staying localized near Plum Island. Especially since we know the government attacked us with the covid/covid vaxx.
Healing Lyme (Buhner) was helpful for supplements. It is a really good resource for being your own doctor. Ivermectin made the difference for me.
I came home from a camping trip in Northern CA and noted a bullseye mark on the back of my calf. I immediately started a long course of doxycycline and sought out a homeopathic MD colleague of mine that shot some ozone into the site a couple of times a week for two weeks. I did not waste time. Luckily, I never developed any problems. Unfortunately for most, they either don't see where they have been bitten or they simply blow it off. It can be years before a proper diagnosis finally is made.
I know a couple of people that knew they were bitten and did nothing about it. What blows me away is that these people should have known better because they knew the risks but decided to take their chances. They lost that bet. Glad you are doing better.
I live near Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada. It is one the the world's best treatment centers for Lyme. People fly in from all over the country for treatment.
Sierra Integrative Medical Center
Growing up in northern Wisconsin, it was very common to be bitten by ticks every summer. Not as plentiful as mosquitoes, but very common.
Typically, one would just pick the tick off and burn it with a match to kill it. (Why this treatment idk, it's just what we did.)
Never had a bullseye rash. Never felt I was just going to take my chances and play Russian roulette with my life either.
As an analogy, West Nile and malria supposedly are transmitted by mosquitoes, but I do not run off to the doctor everytime I get a mosquito bite. Just swat/kill it and move on. That's what it's like with ticks.
With Gates' franken-mosquitoes maybe that will need to change.
I'm not sure if I had even heard of Lyme until I was in my thirties - late 90s.
Now I keep a stash of doxy, hcq, and ivermectin in my medicine cabinet.
My saving grace was that I had the very typical bullseye rash where I was bitten. There was no itching or soreness of any kind. I could have easily missed it since it was on the back of my calf almost to my knee. I knew enough to check myself over good any time I was out in the woods. Had doxy on hand and started it immediately. The ozone therapy I had a colleague do. I was in his office the next day after I noted the rash. We knew a bit more about Lyme by the time I was tick assaulted so I knew what I was dealing with. Many such as yourself, were not as lucky. Who knew. Glad you are doing better though. Hadn't heard of using Ivermectin for treatment. Thanks for tip.
I've had Lyme for over 30 years, all of my cartilage has been munched away by the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorfi, it loves carilage, I have none, its in my handss wrists spine ankles knees neck and shoulders. Fighting it all these years, I developed Mast Cell Reactive Syndrome, which is a nightmare in itself. I have an excellent doctor, and in treating the MCAS, much pain and inflammation, with the pain meds, is managed and tolerated. It was developed on Plum Island, they infected the ticks, then infected the deer, thing is, deer swam the short distance to the connecticutt mainland. I was 38 years old when I caught it, it has affected me most of my life. I am 73 now, and it was natural healing, strict diets, the Grace of God, that has kept me surviving. There are no reparations for people like me, but, I managed a rich life of nature and homesteading, had a son and raised him as a single mom. Self piity is not allowed in my home. I have tried to get rid of it, and I think it is suppressed right now, but due to the MCAS, I have to be very careful of herxing, the last one had me in the ER going into anaphylaxis. My current doc said it is too late for antibiotics, the amount I would have to have would kill me. I am still healthier than a lot of women my age, but my peers and friendship circle are all old hippie gals who have been anti vax and natural healing before it was embraced by a lot of folks here. I am talking about the women who live in a chemical world, eat tons of crap, and have taken pharma all their lives, not my peer group. My immediate acreage is tick free thanks to the army of chickens I have kept for these 35 years, and I don't wander off my property too much anymore, like hikes and stuff, because a 1 mile walk does me in, anyway. Lyme disease may or may not be cured, but I know there are a lot of snake oil vendors out there, I know, because i have tried them all.
Wow...I am sorry that Lyme has affected you so adversely...I do know others that were permanently disabled and I know this is not something you would choose...but you do the best you can and it sounds like you have chosen to live a good life...did you know when you were bitten by an infected deer tick? Did you have the bull's eye rash? What treatments did you try?
It was 1985, I had the rash, got the flu like symptoms 24 hours later.. I was visiting Vermont to scope out some land and a small cabin for myself, I had taken the train from Florida, where I had been living taking care of my father. On the train ride back I was sick with fever, I thought it was the flu. Nobody knew about Lyme at that point, I thought it was a spider bite I had gotten at the friends farm I was staying out when I went to Vt. Symptoms started bothering me bad as I approached menapause, I thought the arthritis was just misalignment from care giver lifting etc, was tested for it in 1998, came back negative My current doctor did some more sophisticated testing to search for the bacteria, and bingo, it was discovered. Psychologically it was a grieving practice to accept a chronic disease, I never got sick with other stuff, was not one to go to the doctor for common illnesses you catch from your kid when they bring home stuff, lived on Advil, hot baths, ice packs for years. I tried silver, fasting, raw diets, parasite cleanses that were harsh, and herbal, colonics, far infra red, reiki, church healings, the triad of black walnut, artemisia and oregano oil, eating every naturally fermented thing I could buy. I did not know about mast cells, and it is just being discovered as the result of long term illness, molds, chemical sensitivity, NSAIDS, alcoholism, and a possible genetic condition. Treating the MCAS has greatly improved my pain, my brain fog, inflammation, occasional GERD, chronic congestion of sinus, ears, etc. I feel better but I would love a frikkin hot dog with sauerkraut with a nice Belgian white beer, but, healing is one day at a time and I am so grateful for so much. I can be a crippled bitch some days, or feel like it, but I stay away from people then and smoke a joint very much doctor approved, and stream a series or watch youtube, study scripture, I am grateful. Avoid tick bites by all means. I was an avid nature walker and would wade through the most brush ridden wetlands, always in the brush or woods or by the shore, have been bitten many times, they get on your clothing and find a way to skin, if you go bushwacking, hunting, fishing, any outdoorsy thing, even gardening, you have to cover yourself, and check everything when you come in , they can be in your socks and you dont know it. And if you are blessed with some land, get chickens!!! Free range them. Mine are fenced in 3/4 an acre, but once we have a hard frost they have their way all in my gardens till snow, and then they are out till I start planting, of the flowers start coming in. I was raised to remember things could always be worse, and it's helped through life. Bio weapons are here, they will be used, God have Mercy.
Yes. Snake oil. This is exactly what I was getting at in one of my posts where I mention that obtaining treatment is like a wild west landscape!
MCAS. I remember a book that talked about a protocol for it for people with sensitivity. It is called Toxic by Dr. Nathan. It deals with mold, Lyme, mcas, etc. It sounds like you have a great doc and something that is working. I only mention it because you might be able to glean a bit from it.
Herxing. That one would always catch me off guard. Always. For what ever reason I would always think that it would react as flu like symptoms. BUT because it had colonized in my CNS, of course I would get brain inflamation, which would in turn manifest itself as servere depression and suicide ideation. Thankfully my husband started to recognize what was happening. CBD oil would help at this point as I would relearn once again.
It sounds like herxing gets life threatening for you. I am sorry.
thank you. Yes, i was following a strict parasite cleanse, after the 8th day, I had terrible gerd in the middle of the night, followed by head to toe hives, my skin was covered, by the time I got to the ER my pulse was almost 190 and my B/P was 74/32, they had to bolus an IV of a st rong antihistamine and steroids, as the histamine was leaving my body, I had seizures. I am scared to eat ketchup now, lol, because any histamine containing foods could trigger a mild reaction or a crisis. I have an excellent doctor, she is focused on auto immune issues and MCAS. Years and years of my immune system fighting the Lyme bacteria caused the MCAS, Luckily, the maintenance is simple, Claritin, Pepcid AC, and Singular, all put the MAST cells at ease. Believe me, I would have tried Ivermectin, but I dare not risk a die off that would cause a herx reaction again. I have an epi pen I hope I never have to use. Adding to this, I also take Quercitin, Liposomal C B and folic acid liquid, NAC, CoQ10, Special Probiotics, Alpha Lipoic Acid, D, Zinc, Fish Oild and Cod Liver Oil, Selenium, Ginger, Magnesium, and Weed, which I grow myself.
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. As I understand it, it's treatable in the initial phase, but once the infection sets in, it corrupts the immune system and becomes a quasi-autoimmune condition. I have some of the same persistent symptoms, from formaldehyde poisoning that happened several years ago.
Part of what makes me suspicious of all this is the fact that the 1918 "Spanish flu" was neither Spanish in origin nor a flu. It was bacterial meningitis from vaccinations the U.S. Army gave soldiers before they went to Europe. These vaccines were also sent to other Allied countries, and the soldiers took the infections home with them once the War was over:
Another little tidbit is that there is no such thing as "polio." It is a broad spectrum of neurological symptoms from exposure to certain pesticides, most notably, DDT. The cases of "polio" were already in sharp decline by the time the "vaccine" was introduced, because those pesticides were stopped:
I realize that the symptoms of Lyme correlate with a tick bite. But given what I posted above about the alleged life cycle of ticks and insects that carry disease, and how improbable it is for it to continue/spread following an initial event, I am suspicious. They have already admitted that they have experimented with air drops of infected ticks. Also, given what I have shared about the 1918 epidemic, and polio, and more recently what we have gone through with c-19 and the toxic vaxxes, is it a stretch to consider that someone, somewhere, is continuously "refreshing" the population of infected ticks with air drops each year?
I was thinking the same thing about refreshing infected ticks. Kinda like chemtrails.
Here's the thing, not all Lymies manifest the classic bullseye rash. I did not. In fact, I went in to the doctor in December. I told her that I don't think that the way I am experiencing certain events reflects reality. Her eyes flashed open and she asked, "Do I need to check you for ticks?"
Given that it was December in MN, I knew she wasn't talking about a physical tick check. She asked if I have ever been bit. Yes, multiple times, every year. I don't name the ticks or even remember each and every one, but I have never gotten a bullseye rash. That I would remember.
New thought: Is it possible to spread it without ticks in addition to ticks???
My blood test was positive for antibodies.
Shortly after my first course of antibiotics wore off, the symptoms came back. She said she could not prescribe more antibiotics because it would put her medical license in jeopardy with the cdc!! (WTF?!?! I was a normie in terms of trusting the medical establishment alphabet.) I trusted my doc and she seemed legit scared. Said my best bet was supplements and pointed me to Buhner's work.
Then COVID lockdown hit, but I had already been red-pilled by the Lyme experience. It's the saving grace.
Ivermectin did the trick for me a year later (research lag). Most of the Lyme issues are completely gone, but I think parts of my brain have not fully healed. Word recall and spelling still being affected.
Spanish flu. Doctors in India were treating with the supplement andrographis and having success. Buhner recommends it for Lyme and there was a run on it during initial covid lockdown.
I think experimenting on us has been going on for quite some time. It did not start with COVID vaxx. Biggest hurdle I think is distribution. Vaccine for 1918, covid. Fluoride in the water.
Seige warfare teaches us many techniques. Contaminated water sources, plague infected solders/cattle. I suppose rats, too. Chinese and Indians (feather) would dip arrows in feces of plague victims. Fire.
The change in our perspective is that the government now sees us as the enemy.
When my daughter relapsed I sought a different treatment rather than the homeopathic lyme nosode and I came across a product from Germany called Carnivora which is an immune modulator and enhancer developed by Helmut Keller MD.
The treatment included astragalus and some other various supplements but this was the basis for her healing from Lyme permanently...she actually had the RA symptoms with the tick/bullseye at first but when she relapsed the symptoms were more noticeable with her speech leading me to believe it was still in her brain.
This treatment worked and she is fine today...almost 30 years later...all this info seems to point to biological warfare but not really understanding the entire etymology of the disease...I am glad there are several successful treatments including IVM...there are some very suspicious coincidences/facts associated with all this...we may never know the truth...
This is the thing I don't understand about Lyme disease...or any insect-borne disease for that matter. Ticks (or insects) are born sterile. The theory is that they are exposed to the pathogen by feeding on an infected animal, and then pass that infection onto the next host they bite...i.e., they bite something, fall off (or fly away) and find another host. But ticks and insects don't feed that way. Actually, a very tiny percentage of these parasites ever find a host (most die before feeding), and when they do find a host, they feed enough in that single event to provide the energy to produce eggs. They die soon after.
In order for a disease such as described to multiply and remain a threat, you'd have to have most of the population of ticks or insects feeding on multiple infected animals. It just doesn't happen this way.
So, what does that imply? Perhaps that these diseases are actually a symptom of something else they're not telling us about?
Lymie here.
There is a crap-ton of question and confusion surrounding this.
What I know, CDC and IDSA should not be trusted - Tuskegee experiment and COVID should have taught us this. They are incestuous in their "research". See history and the documentary " Under Our Skin".
Many of the scientists involved were Japanese and German WWII. Klaus Traub was operation paperclip. (Bitten, Newby) He hired W. Burgdorferi whose job it was to infect ticks for the U.S.
The Japanese scientists were doing this in WWII. This is covered in the documentary "Under the Eightball".
The question about effectiveness is interesting. These scientists were doing it in WWII and then continued well after (Bitten, Newby). The American government dropped/released boxes of infected ticks from a plane flying over the sugar plantations in Cuba to weaken workers. BUT they (ticks) were already infected!!
Lyme can take on many forms depending where it colonizes in the body. (MN Lyme Association). We have mostly heard about how it colonized so that it mimics rheumatoid arthritis. BUT, it can colonize so that the person gets heart, digestive, or CNS issues among others. (Was actually told by a non-medical family member I did not have lyme because I did not have RA symptoms- this was after a positive test result!!). Clinical diagnosis pointed to my CNS.
The Lyme test will only show positive for antibodies. Where it is colonizing is clinical diagnosis only which depends on symptoms being manifested. No advancement in testing has been done in over 40+ years. My understanding is that the blood test is less effective that the covid PCR (eyeroll) and there are over 50% false negatives. Raises a question for me as to why this poor performance is allowed.
CDC allows multiple refills on antibiotics for acne and lifelong antibiotic treatment for syphilis, but you only get one course of antibiotics for Lyme - supposedly for superbug containment. See "Under Our Skin" and draw your own conclusions.
After the course of antibiotics is complete, Lymies need to seek further treatment through Lyme literate doctors and clinics. It can be a bit of the wild west in this landscape.
Interesting note - My Lyme CNS symptoms resemble covid vaxx symptoms of brain fog, rage, panic attacks, cognitive difficulties, etc. NOT clot however.
Is the transmission narrative about deer and other infected animals just b.s.? IDK. It would not surprise me. It would explain how the infected ticks got all over the US instead of staying localized near Plum Island. Especially since we know the government attacked us with the covid/covid vaxx.
Healing Lyme (Buhner) was helpful for supplements. It is a really good resource for being your own doctor. Ivermectin made the difference for me.
Including u/tweety51A since you have family here.
I came home from a camping trip in Northern CA and noted a bullseye mark on the back of my calf. I immediately started a long course of doxycycline and sought out a homeopathic MD colleague of mine that shot some ozone into the site a couple of times a week for two weeks. I did not waste time. Luckily, I never developed any problems. Unfortunately for most, they either don't see where they have been bitten or they simply blow it off. It can be years before a proper diagnosis finally is made.
I know a couple of people that knew they were bitten and did nothing about it. What blows me away is that these people should have known better because they knew the risks but decided to take their chances. They lost that bet. Glad you are doing better.
I live near Sierra Integrative Medical Center in Reno, Nevada. It is one the the world's best treatment centers for Lyme. People fly in from all over the country for treatment. Sierra Integrative Medical Center
I had no idea you had lyme...good for you for your successful treatment...
I was bitten. I never developed Lyme because I wasted no time addressing it. Early treatment is crucial.
Thanks. Glad you caught yours early. 🙂
Growing up in northern Wisconsin, it was very common to be bitten by ticks every summer. Not as plentiful as mosquitoes, but very common.
Typically, one would just pick the tick off and burn it with a match to kill it. (Why this treatment idk, it's just what we did.)
Never had a bullseye rash. Never felt I was just going to take my chances and play Russian roulette with my life either.
As an analogy, West Nile and malria supposedly are transmitted by mosquitoes, but I do not run off to the doctor everytime I get a mosquito bite. Just swat/kill it and move on. That's what it's like with ticks.
With Gates' franken-mosquitoes maybe that will need to change.
I'm not sure if I had even heard of Lyme until I was in my thirties - late 90s.
Now I keep a stash of doxy, hcq, and ivermectin in my medicine cabinet.
Take care, fren.
My saving grace was that I had the very typical bullseye rash where I was bitten. There was no itching or soreness of any kind. I could have easily missed it since it was on the back of my calf almost to my knee. I knew enough to check myself over good any time I was out in the woods. Had doxy on hand and started it immediately. The ozone therapy I had a colleague do. I was in his office the next day after I noted the rash. We knew a bit more about Lyme by the time I was tick assaulted so I knew what I was dealing with. Many such as yourself, were not as lucky. Who knew. Glad you are doing better though. Hadn't heard of using Ivermectin for treatment. Thanks for tip.
I've had Lyme for over 30 years, all of my cartilage has been munched away by the bacteria Borrelia Burgdorfi, it loves carilage, I have none, its in my handss wrists spine ankles knees neck and shoulders. Fighting it all these years, I developed Mast Cell Reactive Syndrome, which is a nightmare in itself. I have an excellent doctor, and in treating the MCAS, much pain and inflammation, with the pain meds, is managed and tolerated. It was developed on Plum Island, they infected the ticks, then infected the deer, thing is, deer swam the short distance to the connecticutt mainland. I was 38 years old when I caught it, it has affected me most of my life. I am 73 now, and it was natural healing, strict diets, the Grace of God, that has kept me surviving. There are no reparations for people like me, but, I managed a rich life of nature and homesteading, had a son and raised him as a single mom. Self piity is not allowed in my home. I have tried to get rid of it, and I think it is suppressed right now, but due to the MCAS, I have to be very careful of herxing, the last one had me in the ER going into anaphylaxis. My current doc said it is too late for antibiotics, the amount I would have to have would kill me. I am still healthier than a lot of women my age, but my peers and friendship circle are all old hippie gals who have been anti vax and natural healing before it was embraced by a lot of folks here. I am talking about the women who live in a chemical world, eat tons of crap, and have taken pharma all their lives, not my peer group. My immediate acreage is tick free thanks to the army of chickens I have kept for these 35 years, and I don't wander off my property too much anymore, like hikes and stuff, because a 1 mile walk does me in, anyway. Lyme disease may or may not be cured, but I know there are a lot of snake oil vendors out there, I know, because i have tried them all.
Wow...I am sorry that Lyme has affected you so adversely...I do know others that were permanently disabled and I know this is not something you would choose...but you do the best you can and it sounds like you have chosen to live a good life...did you know when you were bitten by an infected deer tick? Did you have the bull's eye rash? What treatments did you try?
It was 1985, I had the rash, got the flu like symptoms 24 hours later.. I was visiting Vermont to scope out some land and a small cabin for myself, I had taken the train from Florida, where I had been living taking care of my father. On the train ride back I was sick with fever, I thought it was the flu. Nobody knew about Lyme at that point, I thought it was a spider bite I had gotten at the friends farm I was staying out when I went to Vt. Symptoms started bothering me bad as I approached menapause, I thought the arthritis was just misalignment from care giver lifting etc, was tested for it in 1998, came back negative My current doctor did some more sophisticated testing to search for the bacteria, and bingo, it was discovered. Psychologically it was a grieving practice to accept a chronic disease, I never got sick with other stuff, was not one to go to the doctor for common illnesses you catch from your kid when they bring home stuff, lived on Advil, hot baths, ice packs for years. I tried silver, fasting, raw diets, parasite cleanses that were harsh, and herbal, colonics, far infra red, reiki, church healings, the triad of black walnut, artemisia and oregano oil, eating every naturally fermented thing I could buy. I did not know about mast cells, and it is just being discovered as the result of long term illness, molds, chemical sensitivity, NSAIDS, alcoholism, and a possible genetic condition. Treating the MCAS has greatly improved my pain, my brain fog, inflammation, occasional GERD, chronic congestion of sinus, ears, etc. I feel better but I would love a frikkin hot dog with sauerkraut with a nice Belgian white beer, but, healing is one day at a time and I am so grateful for so much. I can be a crippled bitch some days, or feel like it, but I stay away from people then and smoke a joint very much doctor approved, and stream a series or watch youtube, study scripture, I am grateful. Avoid tick bites by all means. I was an avid nature walker and would wade through the most brush ridden wetlands, always in the brush or woods or by the shore, have been bitten many times, they get on your clothing and find a way to skin, if you go bushwacking, hunting, fishing, any outdoorsy thing, even gardening, you have to cover yourself, and check everything when you come in , they can be in your socks and you dont know it. And if you are blessed with some land, get chickens!!! Free range them. Mine are fenced in 3/4 an acre, but once we have a hard frost they have their way all in my gardens till snow, and then they are out till I start planting, of the flowers start coming in. I was raised to remember things could always be worse, and it's helped through life. Bio weapons are here, they will be used, God have Mercy.
Yes. Snake oil. This is exactly what I was getting at in one of my posts where I mention that obtaining treatment is like a wild west landscape!
MCAS. I remember a book that talked about a protocol for it for people with sensitivity. It is called Toxic by Dr. Nathan. It deals with mold, Lyme, mcas, etc. It sounds like you have a great doc and something that is working. I only mention it because you might be able to glean a bit from it.
Herxing. That one would always catch me off guard. Always. For what ever reason I would always think that it would react as flu like symptoms. BUT because it had colonized in my CNS, of course I would get brain inflamation, which would in turn manifest itself as servere depression and suicide ideation. Thankfully my husband started to recognize what was happening. CBD oil would help at this point as I would relearn once again.
It sounds like herxing gets life threatening for you. I am sorry.
thank you. Yes, i was following a strict parasite cleanse, after the 8th day, I had terrible gerd in the middle of the night, followed by head to toe hives, my skin was covered, by the time I got to the ER my pulse was almost 190 and my B/P was 74/32, they had to bolus an IV of a st rong antihistamine and steroids, as the histamine was leaving my body, I had seizures. I am scared to eat ketchup now, lol, because any histamine containing foods could trigger a mild reaction or a crisis. I have an excellent doctor, she is focused on auto immune issues and MCAS. Years and years of my immune system fighting the Lyme bacteria caused the MCAS, Luckily, the maintenance is simple, Claritin, Pepcid AC, and Singular, all put the MAST cells at ease. Believe me, I would have tried Ivermectin, but I dare not risk a die off that would cause a herx reaction again. I have an epi pen I hope I never have to use. Adding to this, I also take Quercitin, Liposomal C B and folic acid liquid, NAC, CoQ10, Special Probiotics, Alpha Lipoic Acid, D, Zinc, Fish Oild and Cod Liver Oil, Selenium, Ginger, Magnesium, and Weed, which I grow myself.
Sorry to hear of your diagnosis. As I understand it, it's treatable in the initial phase, but once the infection sets in, it corrupts the immune system and becomes a quasi-autoimmune condition. I have some of the same persistent symptoms, from formaldehyde poisoning that happened several years ago.
Part of what makes me suspicious of all this is the fact that the 1918 "Spanish flu" was neither Spanish in origin nor a flu. It was bacterial meningitis from vaccinations the U.S. Army gave soldiers before they went to Europe. These vaccines were also sent to other Allied countries, and the soldiers took the infections home with them once the War was over:
Another little tidbit is that there is no such thing as "polio." It is a broad spectrum of neurological symptoms from exposure to certain pesticides, most notably, DDT. The cases of "polio" were already in sharp decline by the time the "vaccine" was introduced, because those pesticides were stopped:
I realize that the symptoms of Lyme correlate with a tick bite. But given what I posted above about the alleged life cycle of ticks and insects that carry disease, and how improbable it is for it to continue/spread following an initial event, I am suspicious. They have already admitted that they have experimented with air drops of infected ticks. Also, given what I have shared about the 1918 epidemic, and polio, and more recently what we have gone through with c-19 and the toxic vaxxes, is it a stretch to consider that someone, somewhere, is continuously "refreshing" the population of infected ticks with air drops each year?
I was thinking the same thing about refreshing infected ticks. Kinda like chemtrails.
Here's the thing, not all Lymies manifest the classic bullseye rash. I did not. In fact, I went in to the doctor in December. I told her that I don't think that the way I am experiencing certain events reflects reality. Her eyes flashed open and she asked, "Do I need to check you for ticks?"
Given that it was December in MN, I knew she wasn't talking about a physical tick check. She asked if I have ever been bit. Yes, multiple times, every year. I don't name the ticks or even remember each and every one, but I have never gotten a bullseye rash. That I would remember.
New thought: Is it possible to spread it without ticks in addition to ticks???
My blood test was positive for antibodies.
Shortly after my first course of antibiotics wore off, the symptoms came back. She said she could not prescribe more antibiotics because it would put her medical license in jeopardy with the cdc!! (WTF?!?! I was a normie in terms of trusting the medical establishment alphabet.) I trusted my doc and she seemed legit scared. Said my best bet was supplements and pointed me to Buhner's work.
Then COVID lockdown hit, but I had already been red-pilled by the Lyme experience. It's the saving grace.
Ivermectin did the trick for me a year later (research lag). Most of the Lyme issues are completely gone, but I think parts of my brain have not fully healed. Word recall and spelling still being affected.
Spanish flu. Doctors in India were treating with the supplement andrographis and having success. Buhner recommends it for Lyme and there was a run on it during initial covid lockdown.
I think experimenting on us has been going on for quite some time. It did not start with COVID vaxx. Biggest hurdle I think is distribution. Vaccine for 1918, covid. Fluoride in the water.
Seige warfare teaches us many techniques. Contaminated water sources, plague infected solders/cattle. I suppose rats, too. Chinese and Indians (feather) would dip arrows in feces of plague victims. Fire.
The change in our perspective is that the government now sees us as the enemy.
When my daughter relapsed I sought a different treatment rather than the homeopathic lyme nosode and I came across a product from Germany called Carnivora which is an immune modulator and enhancer developed by Helmut Keller MD.
The treatment included astragalus and some other various supplements but this was the basis for her healing from Lyme permanently...she actually had the RA symptoms with the tick/bullseye at first but when she relapsed the symptoms were more noticeable with her speech leading me to believe it was still in her brain.
This treatment worked and she is fine today...almost 30 years later...all this info seems to point to biological warfare but not really understanding the entire etymology of the disease...I am glad there are several successful treatments including IVM...there are some very suspicious coincidences/facts associated with all this...we may never know the truth...