Yet I'm the one censored and banned on different forums for calling the "vax" the mark of the beast.
There's so much information that proves it to be true. The simple fact that it's been shown and explained by experts that it changes, alters, contaminates the DNA of the individual who receives it. But still most refuse to believe it.
It doesn't line up with their preconceived ideas and doctrines. They're carnal in their thinking and therefore God hasn't shown them the Truth.
One must truly want to know the truth no matter how painful that truth might be. But they stop immediately once they have to entertain the idea that their friends and loved ones are damned.
The bigger road block for them is to really accept that this life as they know it, is coming to end. That they might have to look inwardly and make some changes and give up some comforts (idols) in life.
They want someone (other than Jesus) to save us so they can go back to being in their comfortable bubbles.
God is shaking this earth. He's dividing the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares. It's not enough to just not contaminate your God given DNA. We have to repent (change direction) unto God, true repentance is in order.
But as His Word says, many are called but FEW are chosen. It's up to you reader to decide if you'll be one of the few. I pray you choose wisely. God bless.
People did not knowingly reject Jesus and knowingly take the mark. This evil against the people may have been a precursor to the REAL but it IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. To say it was would be to condemn the Almighty as not being a just and fair GOD. GOD is GOOD. satan is BAD. Personally I think it was a "wake up call" to humanity to turn to the God of the Bible, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to HIS SON JESUS, the CHRIST. God has promised to pour out of His Spirit upon all mankind. THIS EVENT IS IMMINENT. Watch for it. God is in the heart changing business and His GRACE is SUFFICIENT.
Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Where does it say they knowingly take it? Or that they knowingly reject Christ?
My bible says they were deceived into receivng it. Look up the word causes in the Greek. As in He causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark in their right hand and forehead.
That word for causes means to form a conspiracy.
If you don't see it at this point, you were never meant to see it I'm afraid. Time is almost up and our judgement is coming.
I don’t know which translation you are reading but this is not what I have understood at all in regards to the mark. The mark is giving through deception. In fact the Greek translation equals that this mark will be a shot in the skin, a prick, different Greek translation but the premise is the same.
They're carnal in their thinking and therefore God hasn't shown them the Truth.
Precisely why they act like animals. Low vibration. Can't control their impulses etc.
The difference is that actual animals are innocent...I suppose you could argue those are innocent as well from the standpoint of, forgiving them for they know not what they do... but from where I stand, there's not a whole lot of "innocent-ing" going on in public. Nothing is sacred and sacred is ridiculed. Few are embarrassed or show any kind of shame.
The idea that we're somehow waiting for the herd to wake up irks and annoys me to no end. As much as WWG1WGA is a great rally cry, and conceptually a call for unity, the proverbial herd is too slow and sloppy.
I haven't spent the majority of my life seeking God, practicing spiritual communion and abiding by His laws to be lumped in with the blasphemous fudge round people. I'm all for unity but...the herd needs a kick in the ass and a strong dose of Isaiah.
The vaxxx, just like anything else you share out of love and concern for your fellow man falls on deaf ears or is met with cognitive dissonance, courtesy of mind control - it's like Stockholm syndrome...
The jab was not the mark of the beast but certainly a trial run.
How can we be sure it isn't the mark Revelation 14:6-13 speaks of three angels proclaiming three messages one of which is:
Revelation 14:9-11 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
I heard some try and say that angel here means a messenger - so anyone saying 'the vax is the mark' or 'a chip is the mark' but that doesn't fit the clear reading of the messages of these three angels. God will not allow anyone to take the actual mark of the beast in ignorance, thus the angelic warning.
I guess everyone that took it that scripture says they were deceived is a bad translation or misinterpretation. But some how in your understanding they're warned and yet scripture disagrees with you. I'm done debating. Like it is written, I'm commanded to not throw my pearls at the swine.
We'll see soon enough. Woe to those who mock and scoff what the Holy Spirit is saying in this late hour. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I suggest you reread my comment I did not say they were warned by an angel concerning the jab, I said it was a trial run. Revelation 14 tells us that God will send an angel to warn concerning the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13 - which does not happen until the antichrist and false prophet are clearly active - that time has not yet come..
Either way I disagree whole heartedly with your understanding. God's Word doesn't warn us of a precursor. It says all nations are deceived by pharmakeia. Which so happens to be the same thing that happens to those who take the mark. Hint hint they're one in the same.
God's people have been warned through his messengers. The beast is described in Daniel as a kingdom/political power. The false prophet is the 501c3 churches that bent the knee to this beast system and closed their doors and some even set up vax clinics in their churches.
I'm not here to convince those who have scales on their eyes and have their ears blocked. I'm here for God's remnant, those that love the Truth.
I've seen one interpretation of that as in your thoughts and actions, which to me also make's sense. It's something we might willingly accept, but could also be deceived into thinking and doing.
IMHO, I agree with you and believe you are on the right track. I prefer to call the gene modifying modRNA jab to be the gateway to the Beast System. It's ironic back in 2019 I called the jab "modRNA" and was ridiculed for using this term. I am now vindicated for calling it for what it correctly is.
I believe from within the Beast System will arise the Mark of the Beast. I believe all those that submitted to the jab, including the many of those who received placebos (for PsyOp 'plausible deniability' use) have allowed fear to dictate their decision. The bible is very clear that faith must guide us and not fear. Many of these people will, through affliction and fear, do anything to undue what they have done, even making a Faustian Bargain so that they are 'cured'.... except it won't be a 'cure', but rather a treatment that mitigates the crippling adverse effects. It wouldn't surprise me that the 'cure' will be sold at a 'high price' that leads to the acceptance of the promoting lead entity as being a figure that becomes worshiped as a savior. This entity will provide many wonders and from this many will worship it. This will be the point of acceptance for the mark of the beast. Those who even received placebos are good candidates to receive the mark. They have already hardened their hearts and ignored the many callings of imminent dangers due to the jab. They ignored it and threw it to the wayside choosing to blindly follow government propaganda instead. This seems to set their belief in government above the Laws of Nature, to which is the immutable order of all life on earth. If government is thought to be somehow wiser and more knowledgeable than the Creator's Divine order of Nature, which god is followed?
I also believe the use of smart phones as being the gateway to the Beast System. The smart phone will be used initially to force everyone into the fold of the Beast System. It makes possible and 'gives' legs to the Internet of Things and Transhumanism. We have already seen how government/corporate apps were used in both Canada and some cities of the United States to prove vax☠xine status in order to enter restaurants, pubs, mass transportation and other businesses. The next step will be a microchip that will be both biological and non-biological. Some researchers have already presented papers showing this can be accomplished through vax☠xination.
In conclusion, I believe we are fast approaching the mark of the beast as more and more people enter the Beast system.
I will say that many Christians I know when they were told by me that I believe in God’s design for our bodies, that His design is perfect and I would not take a vaccine, their reply was they have been praying for a vaccine so God made it so. And this you have the forever debate with Christians on how God’s design works. Is it through Man? I also believe anyone who took this creation of Man has received the Mark. I have seen first hand the spiritual void it creates. The loss of connection. They have become a hive mind, they don’t know they are in the hive mind, but those who have been astute and observant of human behavior for a long time have witnessed it, we know it is happening, we know they are a part of the beast.
In the bible, we read that the mark is on the forehead and/or right hand. It appears this isn't yet the case. The modRNA may be a building block of the Beast System, but IMHO there's no indication of it being on the forehead and/or right hand. It is too early to tell whether this abomination is reversible or not.
Many so-called Christians are brainwashed in urbane and cosmopolitan ideology and thus have forsaken the importance of Nature's Laws. These Laws are immutable and cannot be changed. They govern mankind whether we like it or not. There is no avoiding or sidestepping it. They are the original laws that Adam and Eve observed and followed. The Laws of Nature are the very basis of the Decalogue, to which the legal system of 'natural law' and later 'common law' derived from. The Laws of Nature are themselves based on the Eternal Law and together comprise the Divine Order set forth on earth. One inkling of violating them is an abomination, to which those aberrations are always eliminated. It has been this way from time immemorial.
If any man or woman refuses to see what the Creator has set forth, then they are living in great peril. They are risking retribution for violating the Divine Order.
All vax☠xines are a fraud and only do harm. There has never been any evidence of vax☠xines helping mankind. We have been lied to. All vax☠xines throughout its history have only exasperated and prolonged diseases.
The Salk Polio vaccine killed and maimed far more people than the disease itself. Moreover –
"Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children between 1860-1965 because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunisations and antibiotics."---Dr Archie Kalokerinos, M.D. (
Why was this so?
"The decline in infectious diseases in developed countries had nothing to do with vax☠xinations, but with the decline in poverty and hunger."--Dr Buchwald, M.D. (
The decline in poverty and hunger is another way of stating Western society's greatly improved sanitation treatment (treatment of human waste), hygiene (clean potable water), and nutrition. If you looked into this as I have, you'll see that that these improvements started to really takeoff after the turn of the 20th Century where it accelerated post WWII. During this time common diseases like measles, polio, TB, tetanus, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, et. al. declined precipitously. Without the 'benefit' of any vax☠xine In the United States --the tuberculosis mortality rate underwent a drop of roughly 96 percent in the first 60 years of the 20th Century and that in a little short of the same time span (although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been seriously questioned by reputed scientists) mortality from typhoid vanished.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
“My credentials include probably spending more time working up [analyses of] population-based outbreaks of smallpox than virtually anybody ever has.”
Mack then stated --
“If people are worried about endemic smallpox [long lingering or permanent presence of the disease in the population], it disappeared from this country not because of our mass herd immunity [derived from a vaccine]. It disappeared because of our economic development. And that’s why it disappeared from Europe and many other countries…[its disappearance is] not from universal vaccination.”
It fascinates me whenever the efficacy and safety of vaccines are questioned, the entire 5th column of the vax☠xine lobby comes out in full force. And when I point out that the efficacy and safety of vax☠xines is NON-EXISTENT, the Vax☠xers go nuts. The CDC begrudgingly admitted there have been NO LAB TESTS for the efficacy and safety for vax☠xines in at least 34 years. With that admission, it underscores that vax☠xines are a hoax and their real purpose has ALWAYS been for EUGENICS purposes and to keep the population sickly, so that the pharmaceutical industry can profit off drugs that treat only the symptoms. Further proof of this is provided by the many testimonies of prominent medical doctors who have advised their patients at risk of having an adverse reaction not to vax☠xinate. Not only have they been threatened by their respective licensing boards, but many doctors have had their licenses revoked for even speaking out and reporting adverse effects their patients are experiencing. Writing a medical exemption for a patient is now a career ending endeavor and nearly impossible to get even with severe preconditions. The video, “Doctors Are Silenced To Prevent Informed Consent As The Genocide Continues”, provides an alarming insight to what is continuing to this day.
Life long anti vaxxed here and yea the FIGHT is real and you have to hve the resolve and steadfast attitude of refusal. I did it for me nd for my children and I’m thankful daily I was born aware of the deception of vax. Not just that but nearly all pharma induced medication. Your post is knowledgeable and will be helpful to others. Above all I urge people to research deep and if they can’t research start listening to those that have. Unfortunately the western world has become dependent on easygoing things. But what is required in this age is discomfort for many. Discomfort of losing a job, being shunned, having to homeschool your kids, seeking out naturopathic doctors but there are so many of us that did this, that stood our ground, that didn’t cave to the discomfort and until this new jab rolled out we were out here screaming and warning that these things kill, harm, mutilate and to stop taking them! But alas, here we are, fighting on for humanity, fighting for our children, now we have more ears and more people coming forth. It’s been a long road for me personally. Fighting over my placenta, fighting over keeping pharma away from my babes. I’ll never stop fighting for them and their precious temples.
Yet I'm the one censored and banned on different forums for calling the "vax" the mark of the beast.
There's so much information that proves it to be true. The simple fact that it's been shown and explained by experts that it changes, alters, contaminates the DNA of the individual who receives it. But still most refuse to believe it.
It doesn't line up with their preconceived ideas and doctrines. They're carnal in their thinking and therefore God hasn't shown them the Truth.
One must truly want to know the truth no matter how painful that truth might be. But they stop immediately once they have to entertain the idea that their friends and loved ones are damned.
The bigger road block for them is to really accept that this life as they know it, is coming to end. That they might have to look inwardly and make some changes and give up some comforts (idols) in life.
They want someone (other than Jesus) to save us so they can go back to being in their comfortable bubbles.
God is shaking this earth. He's dividing the sheep from the goats, the wheat from the tares. It's not enough to just not contaminate your God given DNA. We have to repent (change direction) unto God, true repentance is in order.
But as His Word says, many are called but FEW are chosen. It's up to you reader to decide if you'll be one of the few. I pray you choose wisely. God bless.
GOD IS FAIR AND JUST. A PERSON HAS TO KNOWINGLY REJECT GOD AND TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST IN ORDER TO BE DAMNED FOR ETERNITY. People did not knowingly reject Jesus and knowingly take the mark. This evil against the people may have been a precursor to the REAL but it IS NOT THE MARK OF THE BEAST. To say it was would be to condemn the Almighty as not being a just and fair GOD. GOD is GOOD. satan is BAD. Personally I think it was a "wake up call" to humanity to turn to the God of the Bible, to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and to HIS SON JESUS, the CHRIST. God has promised to pour out of His Spirit upon all mankind. THIS EVENT IS IMMINENT. Watch for it. God is in the heart changing business and His GRACE is SUFFICIENT.
Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Where does it say they knowingly take it? Or that they knowingly reject Christ?
My bible says they were deceived into receivng it. Look up the word causes in the Greek. As in He causeth all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave to receive a mark in their right hand and forehead.
That word for causes means to form a conspiracy.
If you don't see it at this point, you were never meant to see it I'm afraid. Time is almost up and our judgement is coming.
I don’t know which translation you are reading but this is not what I have understood at all in regards to the mark. The mark is giving through deception. In fact the Greek translation equals that this mark will be a shot in the skin, a prick, different Greek translation but the premise is the same.
"One must truly want to know the truth no matter how painful that truth might be" beautiful!
Precisely why they act like animals. Low vibration. Can't control their impulses etc.
The difference is that actual animals are innocent...I suppose you could argue those are innocent as well from the standpoint of, forgiving them for they know not what they do... but from where I stand, there's not a whole lot of "innocent-ing" going on in public. Nothing is sacred and sacred is ridiculed. Few are embarrassed or show any kind of shame.
The idea that we're somehow waiting for the herd to wake up irks and annoys me to no end. As much as WWG1WGA is a great rally cry, and conceptually a call for unity, the proverbial herd is too slow and sloppy.
I haven't spent the majority of my life seeking God, practicing spiritual communion and abiding by His laws to be lumped in with the blasphemous fudge round people. I'm all for unity but...the herd needs a kick in the ass and a strong dose of Isaiah.
The vaxxx, just like anything else you share out of love and concern for your fellow man falls on deaf ears or is met with cognitive dissonance, courtesy of mind control - it's like Stockholm syndrome...
The jab was not the mark of the beast but certainly a trial run.
How can we be sure it isn't the mark Revelation 14:6-13 speaks of three angels proclaiming three messages one of which is:
Revelation 14:9-11 Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”
I heard some try and say that angel here means a messenger - so anyone saying 'the vax is the mark' or 'a chip is the mark' but that doesn't fit the clear reading of the messages of these three angels. God will not allow anyone to take the actual mark of the beast in ignorance, thus the angelic warning.
As someone comments here God is Just!
I guess everyone that took it that scripture says they were deceived is a bad translation or misinterpretation. But some how in your understanding they're warned and yet scripture disagrees with you. I'm done debating. Like it is written, I'm commanded to not throw my pearls at the swine.
We'll see soon enough. Woe to those who mock and scoff what the Holy Spirit is saying in this late hour. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
I suggest you reread my comment I did not say they were warned by an angel concerning the jab, I said it was a trial run. Revelation 14 tells us that God will send an angel to warn concerning the mark of the beast as described in Revelation 13 - which does not happen until the antichrist and false prophet are clearly active - that time has not yet come..
Either way I disagree whole heartedly with your understanding. God's Word doesn't warn us of a precursor. It says all nations are deceived by pharmakeia. Which so happens to be the same thing that happens to those who take the mark. Hint hint they're one in the same.
God's people have been warned through his messengers. The beast is described in Daniel as a kingdom/political power. The false prophet is the 501c3 churches that bent the knee to this beast system and closed their doors and some even set up vax clinics in their churches.
I'm not here to convince those who have scales on their eyes and have their ears blocked. I'm here for God's remnant, those that love the Truth.
My KJV says that the mark is not on anyones forehead and hand but in their forehead and hand, big difference.
I've seen one interpretation of that as in your thoughts and actions, which to me also make's sense. It's something we might willingly accept, but could also be deceived into thinking and doing.
Yes IMHO. The forehead is the frontal lobe where cognitive thinking occurs. One truly believes in the mark (vax).
The right hand represents work. One takes the mark to keep their job (sound familiar??)
Finally one can do both, but just one is needed ... the mark is the vax.
Quoting from NKJV it says ON The Greek word is epee and can be translated either way.
IMHO, I agree with you and believe you are on the right track. I prefer to call the gene modifying modRNA jab to be the gateway to the Beast System. It's ironic back in 2019 I called the jab "modRNA" and was ridiculed for using this term. I am now vindicated for calling it for what it correctly is.
I believe from within the Beast System will arise the Mark of the Beast. I believe all those that submitted to the jab, including the many of those who received placebos (for PsyOp 'plausible deniability' use) have allowed fear to dictate their decision. The bible is very clear that faith must guide us and not fear. Many of these people will, through affliction and fear, do anything to undue what they have done, even making a Faustian Bargain so that they are 'cured'.... except it won't be a 'cure', but rather a treatment that mitigates the crippling adverse effects. It wouldn't surprise me that the 'cure' will be sold at a 'high price' that leads to the acceptance of the promoting lead entity as being a figure that becomes worshiped as a savior. This entity will provide many wonders and from this many will worship it. This will be the point of acceptance for the mark of the beast. Those who even received placebos are good candidates to receive the mark. They have already hardened their hearts and ignored the many callings of imminent dangers due to the jab. They ignored it and threw it to the wayside choosing to blindly follow government propaganda instead. This seems to set their belief in government above the Laws of Nature, to which is the immutable order of all life on earth. If government is thought to be somehow wiser and more knowledgeable than the Creator's Divine order of Nature, which god is followed?
I also believe the use of smart phones as being the gateway to the Beast System. The smart phone will be used initially to force everyone into the fold of the Beast System. It makes possible and 'gives' legs to the Internet of Things and Transhumanism. We have already seen how government/corporate apps were used in both Canada and some cities of the United States to prove vax☠xine status in order to enter restaurants, pubs, mass transportation and other businesses. The next step will be a microchip that will be both biological and non-biological. Some researchers have already presented papers showing this can be accomplished through vax☠xination.
In conclusion, I believe we are fast approaching the mark of the beast as more and more people enter the Beast system.
I will say that many Christians I know when they were told by me that I believe in God’s design for our bodies, that His design is perfect and I would not take a vaccine, their reply was they have been praying for a vaccine so God made it so. And this you have the forever debate with Christians on how God’s design works. Is it through Man? I also believe anyone who took this creation of Man has received the Mark. I have seen first hand the spiritual void it creates. The loss of connection. They have become a hive mind, they don’t know they are in the hive mind, but those who have been astute and observant of human behavior for a long time have witnessed it, we know it is happening, we know they are a part of the beast.
In the bible, we read that the mark is on the forehead and/or right hand. It appears this isn't yet the case. The modRNA may be a building block of the Beast System, but IMHO there's no indication of it being on the forehead and/or right hand. It is too early to tell whether this abomination is reversible or not.
Many so-called Christians are brainwashed in urbane and cosmopolitan ideology and thus have forsaken the importance of Nature's Laws. These Laws are immutable and cannot be changed. They govern mankind whether we like it or not. There is no avoiding or sidestepping it. They are the original laws that Adam and Eve observed and followed. The Laws of Nature are the very basis of the Decalogue, to which the legal system of 'natural law' and later 'common law' derived from. The Laws of Nature are themselves based on the Eternal Law and together comprise the Divine Order set forth on earth. One inkling of violating them is an abomination, to which those aberrations are always eliminated. It has been this way from time immemorial.
If any man or woman refuses to see what the Creator has set forth, then they are living in great peril. They are risking retribution for violating the Divine Order.
All vax☠xines are a fraud and only do harm. There has never been any evidence of vax☠xines helping mankind. We have been lied to. All vax☠xines throughout its history have only exasperated and prolonged diseases.
The Salk Polio vaccine killed and maimed far more people than the disease itself. Moreover –
Why was this so?
The decline in poverty and hunger is another way of stating Western society's greatly improved sanitation treatment (treatment of human waste), hygiene (clean potable water), and nutrition. If you looked into this as I have, you'll see that that these improvements started to really takeoff after the turn of the 20th Century where it accelerated post WWII. During this time common diseases like measles, polio, TB, tetanus, whooping cough, scarlet fever, diptheria, et. al. declined precipitously. Without the 'benefit' of any vax☠xine In the United States --the tuberculosis mortality rate underwent a drop of roughly 96 percent in the first 60 years of the 20th Century and that in a little short of the same time span (although the effectiveness of the vaccine has been seriously questioned by reputed scientists) mortality from typhoid vanished.
Today, the most prevalent cause of disease is from environmental chemical toxins that attack the neurological system and cause cancer and auto-immune diseases, et. al. In 2002, Dr. Tom Mack of USC stated --
Mack then stated --
It fascinates me whenever the efficacy and safety of vaccines are questioned, the entire 5th column of the vax☠xine lobby comes out in full force. And when I point out that the efficacy and safety of vax☠xines is NON-EXISTENT, the Vax☠xers go nuts. The CDC begrudgingly admitted there have been NO LAB TESTS for the efficacy and safety for vax☠xines in at least 34 years. With that admission, it underscores that vax☠xines are a hoax and their real purpose has ALWAYS been for EUGENICS purposes and to keep the population sickly, so that the pharmaceutical industry can profit off drugs that treat only the symptoms. Further proof of this is provided by the many testimonies of prominent medical doctors who have advised their patients at risk of having an adverse reaction not to vax☠xinate. Not only have they been threatened by their respective licensing boards, but many doctors have had their licenses revoked for even speaking out and reporting adverse effects their patients are experiencing. Writing a medical exemption for a patient is now a career ending endeavor and nearly impossible to get even with severe preconditions. The video, “Doctors Are Silenced To Prevent Informed Consent As The Genocide Continues”, provides an alarming insight to what is continuing to this day.
Life long anti vaxxed here and yea the FIGHT is real and you have to hve the resolve and steadfast attitude of refusal. I did it for me nd for my children and I’m thankful daily I was born aware of the deception of vax. Not just that but nearly all pharma induced medication. Your post is knowledgeable and will be helpful to others. Above all I urge people to research deep and if they can’t research start listening to those that have. Unfortunately the western world has become dependent on easygoing things. But what is required in this age is discomfort for many. Discomfort of losing a job, being shunned, having to homeschool your kids, seeking out naturopathic doctors but there are so many of us that did this, that stood our ground, that didn’t cave to the discomfort and until this new jab rolled out we were out here screaming and warning that these things kill, harm, mutilate and to stop taking them! But alas, here we are, fighting on for humanity, fighting for our children, now we have more ears and more people coming forth. It’s been a long road for me personally. Fighting over my placenta, fighting over keeping pharma away from my babes. I’ll never stop fighting for them and their precious temples.