The FBI is collecting more than 90,000 DNA samples per month. What are they planning to do with a database that rivals even the CCP?
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Damnit man! I never even thought of that!
I know right? Ever since Q's 'protect your dna' post, I'm scared stupid every time I toss something into a recycling bin
Right? I watch enough crime procedurals to know better.
Appropos of nothing, a few years ago I was pulling up my wifi for a friend and someone on the street had added a new one titled, "Totally not an FBI van"
Your name and address isn’t on any recyclable and it’s all hurled in the same truck with hundreds of other peoples stuff. How the hell would they tag a random piece of refuse from a garbage truck to any one individual? That’s ludicrous.
Hope you're right fren! My name and address is on half the junk mail I receive and recycle.