The Mueller investigation ran from May 17, 2017, to March 22, 2019.
The Mueller report included references to 14 criminal investigations that were referred to other offices, 12 of which were completely redacted in the April 18 release.
NBC News: There appears, although the redacted documents do not make it completely clear, that there is a separate criminal investigation going on outside of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's purview for which Flynn has been providing significant assistance.
NBC News: Special Counsel Robert Mueller asks a judge for little to no jail time for Ret. Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn in exchanged for what they've described as his "substantial assistance" to their investigation.
"References to 14 criminal investigations that were REFERRED TO OTHER OFFICES." COMPLETELY REDACTED!!
Look below, "Think No Name" [Who died August 25, 2018]
Then read the next 10 lines.
If No Name was investigated under one of the 14 completely redated criminal investigations and afterwards executed for treason, my question is who was investigated under the remaining 13 completely redated criminal investigations?
If No Name was executed for collaborating with the enemy (ISIS) and we know Obama himself created and protected ISIS, do you really think Obama is walking around as a free man?
This is why President Trump has remarked on many occasions how quickly he took out ISIS. Obama was protecting ISIS. HRC's personal assistant's father was part of Muslim Brotherhood and why Huma kept an "Insurance policy" for the unfortunate event that they were caught.
This is why President Trump says, "We caught them all!"
Couple of more things to add to your post:
After this happened on Dec 5 2018:
I remembered very clearly that the guilty plea was thrown out by the judge. So I dug it and found:
[Michael Flynn sentencing delayed as judge tells ex-Trump official: ‘You sold your country out’](}
AGAIN, this bolsters your assertion that what Flynn was spilling was not against Trump but against the Cabal. Incidentally this hilarious statement from Guiliani after the plea deal was first announced:
Oh wait, there is more:
So, did the DS finally got wind that Flynn deal was not going as they hoped? I wonder why Judge Contreras recused himself!
According to this news article this judge was friendly with Peter Strzok !!!
HAHAHA, so not only was Meuller working with the WHs, even Peter Strozk (and most probably the entire FBI team that was "framing" Flynn) was also working (wittingly or unwittingly) for the WHs.
Just Human on Badlands Media says that Trump and Rudy worked with Mueller back in I believe the ‘80s and ‘90s to take down the mafia. The way Mueller acted when he testified to Congress was bizarre. The Democrats were so disappointed that day.
Yeah, I was expecting a fierce warrior kind of guy. What we saw was a grandpa who was slightly confused.
Also, the story we were told was that Barr was brought in, and he muzzled the Mueller report and made it fizzle. Now looking back, Barr was brought in as an insurance policy if Mueller failed to deliver. His job was to cover up the election fraud in 2020. This explains a lot about Barr's past, the way he keeps attacking Trump etc.
Barr and Mueller are best friends. Barr helped with the Mafia takedown also, IIRC. I have seen a clip where Barr almost blew his cover by laughing when answering an interviewer.
I will keep my mind open about Barr, quite possible he is also playing a double game.
Man, yeah. Some of the smirks, also, when he was with DJT side by side, and DJT was just chewing up some fake news guy. Barr is there, barely able to stifle a laugh.
I think you're wrong here. According to JH (and BB) on badlands, Barr was part of the "band" that took down the mafia and organized Crime. Mueller, Barr, Trump, Rudy, all connected. I don't know the details, but they have spoken about this several times.
Also, Kayfabe.
Woirth noting. Trump says he fired Barr, but he didn't at all. Barr submitted his resignation, and there was nothing about it being requested.
Remember, if the fraud was proven in 2020, then there is no disclosure and precipice administration under "Joe Biden".
So does Barr's tack AFTER Nov 3 help Trump and the plan, or hinder it? It helps it, imo.
Yep, couple of others have mentioned the Barr, Mueller connection. I am open minded when it comes to Barr. But even so, he is most probably acting as a double agent.
I still maintain that the Cabal felt Barr was the insurance policy if Mueller does not come through, and atleast in optics, he has been playing that rule.