Part 1:
My Q proof relies on Trump's inmate number being a specific number.
P01135809 (Trump's inmate number)
2024 election
1135809/2024 = 561.170454545
I searched through the Jail Records of Fulton County, GA and Trump's inmate number wasn't chosen at random to make the math work for my Q proof.
On Monday, August 21, Trump announced that he would surrender on Thursday, August 24. (where he would receive his inmate number)
Dividing inmate numbers in this range will yield 561.17(something), which isn't enough to say that's a Q proof. It had to be that inmate number.
I'm more speechless. Either the Patriots are that damn good with planning or we live in a matrix. You religious folks can even say it was divine intervention. Or I could just be wrong.
(supporting data in comments)
Does drop 561 have any bearing? (Judgement day)
The most significant fact about 561 is, I believe, that it is 17 times 33.
17 is obvious, but 33 is... well, it's everything.
Like it literally means "everything" (or close enough to).
For example, you can read about the 33rd degree of Scottish Rite freemasonry here. Here's a relevant snippit:
This ties into Chakras and other similar ideologies from various spiritual endeavors throughout history. This is just one example of this number. and it's importance in history/occult mysteries. My research turns this particular number up everywhere.
Interesting info, thanks.
Yeah, I had posted basically that before. Also interesting that another Anon said that the summation of numbers 1 through 33 = 561.
I need to do some more research. Who knows? Maybe there will be a Part 3 of all of this.
didn’t know that about the spine😳 also think it has something to do with the trinity & Jesus 33 years. and Jesus tells of the parable of the wheat & the tares at the end times. the tares were planted ‘among’ the wheat; isn’t that 1/3?
The symbolism for "33" is literally everywhere, not just in Christianity. As far as I have found, the most important numbers in, well, in everything, all the symbology are 3, 7, and 33.
Of course other numbers are important too (10 and 66 notably), but those are the ones that pop up the most with the most importance attached to them.
There may be a Part 3 post coming. Though Trump said he faces up to 561 years in prison, the various media outlets have that number at 641. So this makes me think even more so that 561 was comms to go with my Q proof and point to drop 561. Digging…
Edit: No Part 3 for now.
Here is the rest of my research on this Q proof.
I think it means that those in the MSM that knowingly participated in propaganda will be prosecuted for treason and/or seditious conspiracy. They will be judged, just like the rest.
But the current year is 2023 not 2024.
Election year is 2024, but I see what you’re saying. Maybe I’ve just learned enough to be ahead of the next Q drop? Haha
Either way, y’all are awesome and never give up.