This is just a survey as a result of Torba being targeted and attacked by the ADL. Why is the ADL so anti-Christian? Why is the ADL opposed to constitutional values?
"I doubt that qualifies as an unbiased poll on a random selection of the population."
Any bets? The vast majority of Americans recognizes their anti-Christian agenda. And that is what it is. The ADL is blatantly opposed to Christian values and is the lead attack organization promoting Zionism. Don't believe me? Even Haaretz, a prominent Israeli publication recognizes this. The ADL targeted the John Birch Society. Now why would they do that? Here's an article from the Jerusalem Post revealing their spying operation. What gives the ADL the right to take on police powers to spy on other organizations? Could it be that the ADL should register as a foreign organization or FARA? Why hasn't this been enforced when it is clearly a foreign lobby group. Manafort and Flynn have been prosecuted on far less than what the ADL has been doing for decades without registering for FARA categorization. As Shane Burley and Ben Lorber have rightly opined, the ADL blindly equating the white Christian Right with pro-Palestinian human rights activism is actually setting American Jews in position of peril. Other American conservatives claim the ADL and SPLC go outside their mandate and label legitimate right-wing organizations, particularly with an anti-immigration position (e.g., Lou Dobbs), as hate groups. Dobbs called the ADL and SPLC as "absolute advocate groups for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens" and said of the ADL, "They are a joke." ADL has targeted 'Turning Point USA' and other organizations like Steve Bannon's 'War Room'. The ADL even classifies being anti-'Antifa' as "white supremacist".
Absolutely. I'd bet anything. It is not difficult to go outside and ask people. I do it all the time (not about the ADL specifically, but on the broader scope of the Cabal and their methods of manipulation). People barely even know who the ADL is, much less that they are an agency of propaganda designed specifically to hide evidence. If you believe that 92% of America understands that, you are living in a fantasy world.
And I'd bet my house on it.
If it weren't already owned by the people who created the ADL
Don't believe me?
I know perfectly well who the ADL is, who created it, and why.
I also know that very few other people do. Including you if you think they are "anti-Christian." (Hint: they own all the Christian propaganda too. And of course they do. It's what they do! All one big happy controlled opposition family.)
"It is not difficult to go outside and ask people. I do it all the time..." "People barely even know who the ADL is,..."
I'm not privy to know who you associate with. Notwithstanding, in my survey with people it's pretty consistant that the ADL is overwhelmingly detested and are in favor of it being banned. Christians... real Christians know... They recognize it as a pro-Israel Zionist anti-Christian foreign lobby group. Lou Dobbs, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Jim and Joe Hoff of The Gateway Pundit, Gen, Michael Flynn, Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, Family Research Council (FRC), and even Trump knows. et. al. all know far too well the unchecked abusive power of the ADL. I'd argue the 'Q' group even recognizes it. And this is why in Q916, "We are saving Israel for last.".
What is terrifying is the FRC had been listed as an “anti-gay” group on the SPLC’s website since 2010. The FRC’s head complained in February 2014 that its presence on the SPLC’s “hate-watch” list inspired a terrorist attack against the organization. Floyd Corkins, the shooter, explicitly targeted the FRC in August 2012 and wanted to kill as many employees as possible precisely because the FRC had been listed as an “anti-gay” group on the SPLC’s website since 2010 … Both the SPLC and the ADL have a history of questionable claims relating to extremism. In a particularly recent example, the SPLC was forced to apologize after placing Ben Carson on an extremist watch list in early 2015, a move which generated serious public backlash.” "Despite its public portrayal of itself, the ADL isn’t a civil rights group in any meaningful sense, but rather, a veiled pro-Israel lobbying organization that uses superficial language of inclusiveness and anti-racism to defend Israel from criticism from the left." From this even the left recognizes what the ADL really is. If so, then why aren't they registered under FARA?
Even the Boston Review recognizes that," Under the guise of fighting hate speech, the ADL has a long history of wielding its moral authority to attack Arabs, blacks, and queers." ADL's history includes opposing the letter and spirit of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the California Constitution; it endorsed the pro-racial preferences Proposition 16 in California in November 2020 while that was opposed by 57% of Californians. There's another indication that most Americans oppose the ADL. The Anti-Defamation League has inserted itself into American politics in variety of ways over the decades primarily in the guise of a non-partisan, civil rights organization. Currently it has been allowed to have great influence nationally on bullying, diversity, equity and inclusivity issues in K-12 education systems in particular. ADL does not represent even the Jewish community as a whole and is regarded with distaste by a large segment of it. Oh and by the way, the "American Renaissance" writing this expose about the history of the ADL has set them in the "Hate group" category. Then, we have the following: "So Much for Free Speech: Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt". Really? You can't make this sh&# up. It's that bad.
Including you if you think they are "anti-Christian." (Hint: they own all the Christian propaganda too. And of course they do. It's what they do! All one big happy controlled opposition family.)
I don't know if it was ADL members specifically, but certainly jews were behind the false narrative of "Judeo-Christian" blah blah.
Judaism and Christianity are two VERY different religions. The attempt to merge them is an infiltration of Christianity by jews.
That activity certainly IS anti-Christian, and if they "own all the Christian propaganda," it is not because they are pro-Christian. It is because they HATE Christianity, and are attempting to sabbotoge and destroy it from within.
Same thing they are doing to all White countries in the world with regard to genocide-by-replacement.
Jews have a long history of subversion of their host countries.
This is just a survey as a result of Torba being targeted and attacked by the ADL. Why is the ADL so anti-Christian? Why is the ADL opposed to constitutional values?
Any bets? The vast majority of Americans recognizes their anti-Christian agenda. And that is what it is. The ADL is blatantly opposed to Christian values and is the lead attack organization promoting Zionism. Don't believe me? Even Haaretz, a prominent Israeli publication recognizes this. The ADL targeted the John Birch Society. Now why would they do that? Here's an article from the Jerusalem Post revealing their spying operation. What gives the ADL the right to take on police powers to spy on other organizations? Could it be that the ADL should register as a foreign organization or FARA? Why hasn't this been enforced when it is clearly a foreign lobby group. Manafort and Flynn have been prosecuted on far less than what the ADL has been doing for decades without registering for FARA categorization. As Shane Burley and Ben Lorber have rightly opined, the ADL blindly equating the white Christian Right with pro-Palestinian human rights activism is actually setting American Jews in position of peril. Other American conservatives claim the ADL and SPLC go outside their mandate and label legitimate right-wing organizations, particularly with an anti-immigration position (e.g., Lou Dobbs), as hate groups. Dobbs called the ADL and SPLC as "absolute advocate groups for open borders and amnesty for illegal aliens" and said of the ADL, "They are a joke." ADL has targeted 'Turning Point USA' and other organizations like Steve Bannon's 'War Room'. The ADL even classifies being anti-'Antifa' as "white supremacist".
Absolutely. I'd bet anything. It is not difficult to go outside and ask people. I do it all the time (not about the ADL specifically, but on the broader scope of the Cabal and their methods of manipulation). People barely even know who the ADL is, much less that they are an agency of propaganda designed specifically to hide evidence. If you believe that 92% of America understands that, you are living in a fantasy world.
And I'd bet my house on it.
If it weren't already owned by the people who created the ADL
I know perfectly well who the ADL is, who created it, and why.
I also know that very few other people do. Including you if you think they are "anti-Christian." (Hint: they own all the Christian propaganda too. And of course they do. It's what they do! All one big happy controlled opposition family.)
I'm not privy to know who you associate with. Notwithstanding, in my survey with people it's pretty consistant that the ADL is overwhelmingly detested and are in favor of it being banned. Christians... real Christians know... They recognize it as a pro-Israel Zionist anti-Christian foreign lobby group. Lou Dobbs, Charlie Kirk, Steve Bannon, Jim and Joe Hoff of The Gateway Pundit, Gen, Michael Flynn, Matt Staver of Liberty Counsel, Family Research Council (FRC), and even Trump knows. et. al. all know far too well the unchecked abusive power of the ADL. I'd argue the 'Q' group even recognizes it. And this is why in Q916, "We are saving Israel for last.".
What is terrifying is the FRC had been listed as an “anti-gay” group on the SPLC’s website since 2010. The FRC’s head complained in February 2014 that its presence on the SPLC’s “hate-watch” list inspired a terrorist attack against the organization. Floyd Corkins, the shooter, explicitly targeted the FRC in August 2012 and wanted to kill as many employees as possible precisely because the FRC had been listed as an “anti-gay” group on the SPLC’s website since 2010 … Both the SPLC and the ADL have a history of questionable claims relating to extremism. In a particularly recent example, the SPLC was forced to apologize after placing Ben Carson on an extremist watch list in early 2015, a move which generated serious public backlash.” "Despite its public portrayal of itself, the ADL isn’t a civil rights group in any meaningful sense, but rather, a veiled pro-Israel lobbying organization that uses superficial language of inclusiveness and anti-racism to defend Israel from criticism from the left." From this even the left recognizes what the ADL really is. If so, then why aren't they registered under FARA?
Even the Boston Review recognizes that," Under the guise of fighting hate speech, the ADL has a long history of wielding its moral authority to attack Arabs, blacks, and queers." ADL's history includes opposing the letter and spirit of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the California Constitution; it endorsed the pro-racial preferences Proposition 16 in California in November 2020 while that was opposed by 57% of Californians. There's another indication that most Americans oppose the ADL. The Anti-Defamation League has inserted itself into American politics in variety of ways over the decades primarily in the guise of a non-partisan, civil rights organization. Currently it has been allowed to have great influence nationally on bullying, diversity, equity and inclusivity issues in K-12 education systems in particular. ADL does not represent even the Jewish community as a whole and is regarded with distaste by a large segment of it. Oh and by the way, the "American Renaissance" writing this expose about the history of the ADL has set them in the "Hate group" category. Then, we have the following: "So Much for Free Speech: Twitter Shuts Down Generation Identity after Meeting with ADL’s Jonathan Greenblatt". Really? You can't make this sh&# up. It's that bad.
A meme that is supposedly a quote from Musk is interesting:,quality=100,fit=scale-down/system/media_attachments/files/147/064/822/original/e05b3007896e3217.jpeg
I don't know if it was ADL members specifically, but certainly jews were behind the false narrative of "Judeo-Christian" blah blah.
Judaism and Christianity are two VERY different religions. The attempt to merge them is an infiltration of Christianity by jews.
That activity certainly IS anti-Christian, and if they "own all the Christian propaganda," it is not because they are pro-Christian. It is because they HATE Christianity, and are attempting to sabbotoge and destroy it from within.
Same thing they are doing to all White countries in the world with regard to genocide-by-replacement.
Jews have a long history of subversion of their host countries.
They have done it with religion, too.
Like you said, "it's what (((they))) do."