Never saw that before. CREEPY. Re pics of abuse, that one pic of a black figure forcing a child in front of him looks EXACTLY like his silhouette...
I used to love him before I knew any better.
If we simply extend the courtesy of optics to those other than Trump, we might find many more who are on team victory than we might think.
Not saying specifically about the Rock, but many who are deep cover continue to be because the end goal is still a landfill away. Tiny steps, tinier than they wanted, but that will have to do.
I was hoping to hear things like this. Everyone has instinctual feelings about certain people that tends to be on the mark. I know lot of the people are deep undercover, nad Q said we would be surprisd by who is helping take down the hollywood.
There are zero of them that are in the know. We know this due to Q stating the number.
It's not "deep cover" if you are just playing along because you feel that you have no choice or because you are waiting for the winds to reverse direction.
I always had hoped The Rock was a good guy. Too bad.
He's been signaling that he's on the wrong team for some time now.
You don't keep your position as an A-list actor without kneeling to the cabal
you mean
this SNL bit was so awkward.. it really made me doubt.
He’s disgusting.
W. T. F.
Never saw that before. CREEPY. Re pics of abuse, that one pic of a black figure forcing a child in front of him looks EXACTLY like his silhouette... I used to love him before I knew any better.
Is it just me, or is The Rock imitating Obama’s voice?
He made a video endorsing Biden. Lol.
If we simply extend the courtesy of optics to those other than Trump, we might find many more who are on team victory than we might think.
Not saying specifically about the Rock, but many who are deep cover continue to be because the end goal is still a landfill away. Tiny steps, tinier than they wanted, but that will have to do.
I was hoping to hear things like this. Everyone has instinctual feelings about certain people that tends to be on the mark. I know lot of the people are deep undercover, nad Q said we would be surprisd by who is helping take down the hollywood.
There are zero of them that are in the know. We know this due to Q stating the number.
It's not "deep cover" if you are just playing along because you feel that you have no choice or because you are waiting for the winds to reverse direction.
Did you not see his "Sleepy Joe 2020 Pick" announcement on Twatter back in the day?