So many TwatterX comments stating "Who cares? We don't care if he was gay, and if Michelle was trans. It would be awesome if it were true".
Good goodness. So many don't care that a massive fraud was perpetrated upon them. Ya. Wow. That's just a tiny fraction of the total fraud, of course.
We are now at "DIMINISH" on "Obama is gay"; Not quite getting there on Big Mike yet, but once we cycle through "Obama is gay" we get to "Michelle is trans". That one is still in the "DENY" phase.
I'm wondering about those tribunals. Trump just said that after he is reelected in 2024 he will form an investigative committee to look at Fauci, the virus, the vax etc. Does that mean everyone is going to have to go throug an investigation?
So many TwatterX comments stating "Who cares? We don't care if he was gay, and if Michelle was trans. It would be awesome if it were true". Good goodness. So many don't care that a massive fraud was perpetrated upon them. Ya. Wow. That's just a tiny fraction of the total fraud, of course.
Overton's Goalpost (continuously moved): DENY, DIMINISH, QUALIFY, DISTRACT, ADMIT. : ;A sure sign that we are winning the InfoWar.
We are now at "DIMINISH" on "Obama is gay"; Not quite getting there on Big Mike yet, but once we cycle through "Obama is gay" we get to "Michelle is trans". That one is still in the "DENY" phase.
What's after "ADMIT"? How about military tribunals??
I'm wondering about those tribunals. Trump just said that after he is reelected in 2024 he will form an investigative committee to look at Fauci, the virus, the vax etc. Does that mean everyone is going to have to go throug an investigation?
They already have I'm betting. But timing of divulging this everything.