A prophecy about staying indoors for 3 days
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
With the doors and windows blacked out. Can anyone let me know if this is a genuine prophecy or not, any sources for this?
The 3 Days of Darkness stems from private revelation of many saints and mystics. According to this prophecy, the world will experience three days of complete darkness, during which time demons will roam the earth and the faithful will be called upon to endure great suffering and trials. I believe this will occur at the near end of tribulation. https://afterthewarning.com/the-illumination/after-the-warning/the-three-days-of-darkness/
If you are digging, you may also want to look into the Illumination of Conscience. https://www.michaeljournal.org/articles/roman-catholic-church/item/the-warning-or-the-illumination-of-conscience
I have heard of this prophecy which has circulated among faithful Roman Catholics.
You are to block out all windows and not open any doors at all as demons will roam the earth and pretend to be your loved ones.
Only blessed candles will provide light for those inside their homes.
The foolish took their lamps, but took no oil with them. But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
The only light will come from blessed candles, it is said.
Blessed beeswax candles.
I had not heard that interpretation. Like Marian apparitions, It would be "private" revelation which a person may believe or not believe. Christ's revelation stopped with the Bible. Personally I do not accept the Rapture.
The Romans held that the Solstice took place on December 25th. in 274 the Roman emperor Aurelian created 'Dies Natalis Solis Invicti' (meaning 'birthday of the unconquered sun') also called 'Sol Invictus' and it was held on December 25th.
The astro-mythical story was based off the observation of the sun as it ends it's journey across the sky....is dying.....stops....dies.....and restarts the other direction....reborn anew. Sol/son/sun
3 Days in the process. This was then extrapolated into mythical characters and now religious.
The process is imitated on the micro personal level as rebirth/change/renewal etc.
See Metamorphosis by Ovid for an ancient overview of the idea and how it was projected into religion and politics.
Today we know 'this' as the trannie and the motto 'Change'.
Deviations from deep truths
Here are some revelations
MIthras's day was December25th. There were many, many Romans who belonged to the cult of Mithras, a Persian deity. Women were not allowed in the cult. Lots of military men were in the cult, which had spread throughout the Roman Empire.
Matthew 27:45-54 and Mark 15: 33-41 Talks about the Friday that Jesus was crucified and the darkness that came upon the earth. It gets dark at noon and then Jesus dies at 3PM, and there is a huge earthquake. The sun goes out for 3 days. And then angels come down from Heaven and tell some women (I think Martha and Mary but don't quote me on that) to go and tell what happened. Then the sun appears again after the 3 days.
In Acts 2:20 it is written that in the last days the sun shall turn black as sackcloth and the moon shall turn to blood before the return of the Lord. This is the beginning of the Great Tribulation. It doesn't say for sure how this will happen, but we believe that a great Nuclear War will begin blocking out our sun and moon for many months or possibly years. Once the sky is cleared from the debris of dust and silt, the sun will once again appear.
Then read Revelation 6:12 and read what it says. Then again in Amos 8:9 it reads that on the day of the Lord the sky will be darkened at noon plunging earth into complete darkness. This will be when God pours out his wrath upon the nations who rebelled against him.
Hope this helps. However, I have not read anything in the bible pertaining to us anointing our windows and doors with oil and blacking out our houses. This could be a prophecy from someone else or I have missed something dire in the Bible.
It was a Catholic psyop to build faith in the clergy instead of God. They seeded the prophecy, prophiting off becoming the savior by being the only source of "blessed light."
The clergy were instituted by Jesus himself - you can find mention of three orders (deacons, priests, and bishops) in acts of the apostles, and further clarity on their roles in earliest writings of the church fathers.
No, clerical systems that protect pedophiles are not inspired by Jesus.
Most pastors routinely look so porn, 90% of legal cases against churches involve the harming of children/orphans/widows.
The ‘clerical system’ founded by Christ, included a Judas (and 10 of 11 other apostles abandoned him temporarily).
It is easy to reject his church on account of their bad behaviors, but we’d be quite wrong to do so.
Uh huh! I didn't know that.
I don't know but a long time ago i head a dream i'd be outside during that time. it is one of the handful of dreams i never forgot. if you have any like that, you need to ponder them.. there is a reason why. you may not find out why but keep pondering it.
And well.. because i was called to be outside.. and there were bat-like demons with scary horror movie looks flying around irl.. and people were scared shitless, but i wasn't, i was telling them where to go while swinging at these demons that were swooping in to attack. I wasn't having much effect, they were still grabbing people far off, but it was keeping them away from my general area which was good enough. (they were flying and i recall seeing a massive horde far off and had no desire to walk to it, but walk away from it because i knew my limits). I can't recall if it was 3 days, but it seemed longer.. it was dark the whole time and the only real light was fire-like, and it felt like hell the whole time.
So if that time comes i'm ready for it.. but it's going to be a trip if it does, to say the least.
Where did u hear this from.
A thread from yesterday which I can't find anymore, my search-fu is not good at all.
Well I don't believe it's true. Though each of us must make the personal choice of who we wanna follow so I guess it's up to u to believe it or not. I would encourage you to ask Jesus personally in prayer for guidance about this 😁🙏
God bless u.
I believe the dead and the living in Christ will already be gathered up with Him in the rapture before this takes place, so if you are right with Jesus, no worries…
Yeah I think no matter what someone's stance on revelation is...the message is the same. Get right with and stay close to Jesus and he takes all our worries
there are a lot of 3s in Qs movie; Teslas’s 3, 6, 9, Kennedy’s were Irish Catholic & Catholics believe in the Trinity. Also the tomb and Jesus and 3 days before resurrection. And George Washington asked for his body to be held for at least ‘3 days’. there’s also a godlike Celtic group related to ‘3 days of darkness’.
this link has a few names, etc, might help you remember more details/what you are referring to.
interesting story about George Washington’s ‘death’
Exodus 10:21-23 talks of 3 days of darkness.. granted it's in the past.. but God has done several things related to this... Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of a great fish after being swallowed... Ezra waited three days before inspecting and assessing the work done on the temple.... Jesus's transfiguration occurred three days after His teachings about his suffering, death, and resurrection... Jesus is crucified, buried, and remains in the tomb for three days...
Generally speaking, three days could represent a time of transition, completion, and God's redemptive power.
Yes I agree. Just the whole stay inside and black out your windows thing is where I think someone might be mis using past 3s to push something fake
Yeah we always have to be careful about tellings of the future.. because only God knows. Generally i take predictions with a grain of salt and dont' put too much weight in them, and prepare for them as reasonably as i could.
If something required us to stay inside i already have tinfoil, paint & wood inside already to cover the windows if need be, and candles.. so im not too worried.
Check out Suspicious0bservers.org disaster series. I believe he mentions in one of them that the micronova will block the sun for about three days before the debris hits the earth.
Yes, this was out there years ago.
Sounds like some gibberish from insert your favorite "Q-following"(not) "plan-trusting"(not) bullshit-peddling LARPer here
We were not created in his image to hide and pray for a hero, I do not hide from evil, I destroy it. I pray for my soul, not my body, my body is for me to take care of.
If you do put your life in God's hands, and ask Him to guide you, He will likely make you out to be a hero in the eyes of others. Just don't let it get to your head and tell them all glory belongs to God.
Horse shit