I love Allen West. I live in a small town, where the voting is watched like a hawk. I have volunteered in our elections process here, but I have heard several folks say that Houston has some very shady elections. I would imagine just about all of the larger cities do. The smaller ones, like mine the population is so small it would be noticed too quickly if something was shady here.
Well I could be wrong but until a few years ago i thought Masons were honorable and now i have learned that every club, church, organization and government agency can be corrupted. Sad.
Fantastic! I'm really starting to like Tucker.
He's stepping into his true self. The rat bastards at Fox were holding him back
Take that, Greg! He's always "gonna" fix it, but nothing gets done!
Yeah, I don't think any Texan truly approves of him, but at the time, it was between him or Beto, which we also can't stand.
I love Allen West. I live in a small town, where the voting is watched like a hawk. I have volunteered in our elections process here, but I have heard several folks say that Houston has some very shady elections. I would imagine just about all of the larger cities do. The smaller ones, like mine the population is so small it would be noticed too quickly if something was shady here.
I didn't think it could get much worse than Austin. It's been said that if Texas had a rectum, that Austin would be it's rectum LOL.
Yep and also said you have to get 20 miles outside of Austin before you are back in Texas!
Hopefully people's eyes will be opened in Texas...we still have some of Allen West's campaign signs in our garage and ready to use them again!
There are a few who approve, but their last name is Bush.
We campaigned for Lt. Col. Allen West and will again!
He seems OK but he's a Knight Templar (inducted) so that seems confusing, as I thought that was another bad group.
It can be just like the Masons but depends on the person and the level they attain...most are decent people at the local lower entry level.
I see. Just seemed like a big red flag for someone like him to seek and attain status in an organization with evil underpinnings.
Well I could be wrong but until a few years ago i thought Masons were honorable and now i have learned that every club, church, organization and government agency can be corrupted. Sad.
Thanks Fox for fried Tucker!