I was thinking about gold and why it's valuable. I get it, "dollar will collapse, gold is always valuable," but WHY?
And then I was thinking about the ancient civilizations, the ones pre-flood that were most likely highly advanced.. The ones that most likely were able to tap into frequencies, magnetic fields, and had advanced techniques that was lost to man. Techniques that men like Tesla eventually rediscovered, but cabal agents came and told them away (hence Epstein trolling around MIT, but that's a different topic).
I'm wondering if gold was used as a method to tapping into the power sources in the ancient world. Like, it more efficiently stabilized frequencies and made power a constant in the ancient ancient world. Who knows, I'm riffing here.
We know gold has unique properties when compared to the elements, and we know it's already used in electronics, electrical wiring, dentistry, medicine, and radiation shielding. Perhaps the ancient world harvested it as it expanded their power, and then the Flood hit, people lost the technology, but remembered gols: "it's valuable because our forefathers knew it was valuable, and maybe we'll tap into that so let's keep gathering more gold."
Maybe word-of-mouth and generational story telling eventually forgot how to leverage gold for energy, and it became a relic of the past, still valuable, but the inherent reason was lost.
Okay, I can get behind the idea of gold being ditched into our DNA. But then why, and why gold.
My post afirms that it's unique, But I'm trying to understand the deep down reason as to why it's so unique
Beyond the standard reasons? That it is the only metal that has all these attributes:
Shiny and amazing to look at
Does not rust even after long time
Relatively easy metal to handle and make into Jewelry
Available in just enough quantities - not too much to make it worth less, and not too little to make it unaffordable
And this is not even looking into its industrial qualities.
These by itself should tell us why Gold is so unique.
Silver is better.
There's no such thing as an absolute "better", only "better" for specific purposes. If you want to make a knife, they're both terrible: steel is better.
What is silver better at than gold? Are there other purposes for which gold is better than silver?
Silver has several advantages over gold when it comes to industrial uses:
Electrical and Thermal Conductivity: Silver is the best conductor of electricity and thermal energy among all elements, making it indispensable in various electrical and electronic applications. It is used in electrical switches, circuits, and connectors due to its ability to conduct electricity efficiently.
Reflectivity: Silver is an excellent reflector of visible light, which makes it valuable in mirrors, telescopes, and optical instruments. Its high reflectivity also plays a role in solar panels and reflective coatings for windows.
Photography: Silver's light-sensitive properties have been widely used in traditional photography, where silver-based films and papers have been a standard for capturing images.
Batteries: Silver-zinc and silver-cadmium batteries have been used in applications like hearing aids and aircraft. Silver's high energy density and low self-discharge rate make it suitable for long-lasting batteries.
Catalysts: Silver is used as a catalyst in various chemical reactions, particularly in the production of chemicals such as formaldehyde and ethylene oxide.
Antibacterial Properties: Silver ions have natural antibacterial properties, making silver coatings and nanoparticles valuable in medical devices, wound dressings, and water purification systems.
Superconductivity: Silver can exhibit superconducting properties at very low temperatures, which is essential in some scientific and medical applications, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
I'm so glad you feel that way. I'll trade you silver for whatever gold you have, ounce for ounce.
Silver will tarnish. There are chemicals made of silver like silver nitrate which used to be important in the photographing industry before digital imaging. It is very hard to make chemicals out of gold. The ancients would pan for gold because it was usually in metal form. Most metals are not. Pick up a clump of dirt anywhere on this world and chances are it has Iron & Aluminum in it but you can't see them because there are in other chemicals. Gold is the least reactive metal. I think Platinum is next. A gold coin will be unchanged thought the centuries.
Gold is just dirty silver. 😆
Gold is precipitated sunlight. Sounds woowoo but I like that description.
Gold (the element) is made only in stars I believe. So, yea that's kinda true
-Carl Sagan
Most people dont realize that gold is not from the planet Earth. It was deposited here from a very large explosion a long time ago.
Stars are like neurons. They communicate via light intensity, mass ejections, and explosions sending material and changing gravitational dynamics. We truly live inside the mind of GOD