Yes! The 'turbulent' 60s, when things were normal and the music was awesome.
I'd gladly take men in long flowing hair and flowered shirts passing out flowers and saying "Let's be peaceful for a change," over these violent unhinged psychopaths in smeared lipstick, 5 o'clock shadow and a dress, screaming about how healthy it is to teach their kindergarten students to finger the rubbery bunghole while blowing a roomful of AIDS-infected drag queens.
I just want to clarify my girlfriend I mean a friend that is a girl I have a husband I'm happily married🤪😜
Crazy that you have to clarify 'girlfriend' is a 'friend that is a girl'. Take me back to the 1960s, please!
Yes! The 'turbulent' 60s, when things were normal and the music was awesome.
I'd gladly take men in long flowing hair and flowered shirts passing out flowers and saying "Let's be peaceful for a change," over these violent unhinged psychopaths in smeared lipstick, 5 o'clock shadow and a dress, screaming about how healthy it is to teach their kindergarten students to finger the rubbery bunghole while blowing a roomful of AIDS-infected drag queens.
Even crazier that "girl" and "husband" are vague terms now, too. Back to the '60s, indeed!
Relax...girls have ALWAYS been allowed to say they have girlfriends, and everyone knows what they mean, and it's fine.
Men don't say they have boyfriends. One of the many differences between the two (2) sexes.
Females can also walk through airports, etc., hugging and holding hands, no problem.
Notice, the biblical proscriptions always specify men with other men ;)
Unfortunately those hippies were the precursor to what we see now.