Their has been a change in the matrix,with the stonk basket. The volume on one of my favorite penny stocks is so low that I own more shares than the daily volume. I'm not into grafts and TA but I know a huge change when I see it......
IMO it's related to #964, Iran, Sergei Brin's recent divorce from Nicole Shanahan, Bia-Echo Foundation, maybe the recent Iran/Russia/China meetings, etc.
This post above says 'follow the family'....maybe its that so-called political prayer group called the The Family. Someone wrote a book about it a few years ago. I have a copy. I'll have to go back and reread it. Everyone attends it, even the Clintons, Bush's ect everyone important in all branches of government.
British English spelling usually splits words in compound or portmanteau words. American spelling often combines them into one new word. Laughingstock is correct in American English.
Half the stonk sub, had buckle up next to their name, including myself.
Moon soon.
Trump wrote: "LAUGHINGSTOCK"
Stock. RC said "buckle up" when he was appointed executive chairman.
edit: LaughingStock w/ or without a space is a proper word in english, I should have done my DD on that one.
Nice work Anon!
I'm DRS'd and ready to go on a journey.
Buckled In.
I still got a chunk in my IRA i have yet to do an early retirement distribution :/
Ah well, as long as you have a life raft in DRS youll be fine :-)
17.00 afterhours.
I remember when RC said buckle up, superstonk even made an auto mod to change your tag line.
Solid connection with no space and buckle up. Points at RC and Stocks.
Those are 2 coincidences in 1 truth from Trump.
Plus all the other coincidences with Gamestop, RC, Elon and Trump.
You and your "moon soon" may be legit kek!
Their has been a change in the matrix,with the stonk basket. The volume on one of my favorite penny stocks is so low that I own more shares than the daily volume. I'm not into grafts and TA but I know a huge change when I see it......
I weighed in over here:
IMO it's related to #964, Iran, Sergei Brin's recent divorce from Nicole Shanahan, Bia-Echo Foundation, maybe the recent Iran/Russia/China meetings, etc.
This post above says 'follow the family'....maybe its that so-called political prayer group called the The Family. Someone wrote a book about it a few years ago. I have a copy. I'll have to go back and reread it. Everyone attends it, even the Clintons, Bush's ect everyone important in all branches of government.
British English spelling usually splits words in compound or portmanteau words. American spelling often combines them into one new word. Laughingstock is correct in American English.
You're right. Both a space and no space are correct. There goes my theory :)
Not to mention the easter egg in the NFT Gamestop page had "Game On Anon"
Antstrades on utubes says gme and amc are virtually the same stock..playing out their algorithm..
Fren, see GME close at $17.52 today?? Also it was down .17%?! Qpost 1752 “Buckle Up!” u/#q1752
17.52 again today.
Buckle up.
Wow! Look at that!
One more day should do it.
Great catch
Moon soon.
We need time to build up to suicide weekend.
Thanks! LFG