It’s becoming increasingly hard for myself and my family to survive in this economy. Myself and my family are teetering in the edge. I hope there’s some relief soon. I lost my job back in 2021 and went I to business for myself. 5 years ago under Trump’s economy I think I could survive and grow without a problem. Now… a trip to the grocery store costs $500 and running up cards left and right because our two incomes combined still isn’t enough. That doesn’t even touch on all the other things like our healthcare going up etc. 3 kids… I am praying people will make their moves soon to take this thing back and get it under control. I don’t know how much time I have left. I wish there was a relief opportunity for those of us who know and trust the plan to get by until it’s fixed. LoL
It’s becoming next to impossible for myself and my family to survive.
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
Tore ligaments on my knee, they did xray, no MRI, found nothing broken, gave me a bunch of pain pills I never took and sent me home $5k in debt within 2 hours. Could not even bend my knee to poop for a month, couldn't walk for 3 months.
I could not play soccer for 8 years until I started working standing on my feet a couple years ago, it was like therapy and that was all I needed. I am now playing soccer wondering why I pursued a career in tech without a college degree. Sitting for 12 hour days, sleeping in the office to sit all day long, to get fired on personal bullshit when Trump got elected... Fucking democrats
Doctors will not care for you even by accident, in my experience, they are trying to buy a new mercedez.
Sorry for the rant lol
TLDR: Once visit was when I tore knee ligaments, even then, they tried to hook me on pills, not even a wiff of actual care.
Not pooping for a month seems pretty miserable.
Oh, I pooped at least once a day.
But if you want to "wear my shoes"
I dare you to poop with your legs stretched out, see how you like it.
Sorry fren. I’m not making light of your situation. It sounds terribly painful. Just hard to resist a poop joke.
Oh man I didn't mean to come off butthurt I was laughing my ass off reading your response and while typed mine.
The struggle is real. Former torn ACL, here.
Yeah knees are a work of art you just can't put them back together lol
I think I saw a video like that in college.
No health insurance?
Insurance is a racket.
Yeah. They get you hooked for awhile then make you dance like a little monkey to get more. Meanwhile, walk down the street to the park and one can get fentanyl. No problema.
I was prescribed narcs for 16 years. I got pissed off at the bullshit and took myself off of them almost 2 years ago. You know what I discovered? After 2 months of being off of them, my overall pain levels were greatly reduced. The narcs increased the pain significantly. I have learned how to deal with it and I am now free to do what I think is best for me.
Glad to hear of your healing fren
Thank you fren, glad to hear of your recovery as well.. I hope you get better
I'm sure there are good doctors somewhere, but the only time I felt like I really needed one, they let me down completely.
But yeah man... if drugs ruined the country, it wasn't the illegal ones.
Well..this makes sense. When you suffer an injury, you do need rehabilitation. If you break a bone, that is going to hurt well after the bone itself is healed, and if you aren't doing the mobility exercises (relevant for all injuries) then you'll never gain the mobility back until you start to do them.
As it turns out, you suffered a catastrophic injury. That injury healed at some point in those 8 years. You rehabilitated it by using it.
It is pretty standard to recommend that, and if they sent you home with a $5K bill they should have told you that.
Also an MRI should not have been necessary for diagnosis of that kind. That definitely sounds like an awful place. Emergency room instead of urgent care I take it?
I broke a bone relatively recently, and all treatments/advice cost me about $150-$250 (that ballpark by the end of it). There was a bit of additional cost associated, like bandages, but not too bad unlike if I had gone to emergency.
Quick edit: No insurance either.
Emergency room... I was in pain and didn't want to not walk again, that was an expensive mistake... Not making it again. If I need a doctor again.
I don't know how you can tell which ligaments are damaged I even pulled up a 3d image of the ligaments,
also I thought x-ray was for bones and not tissue. And MRI will let you see tissues. So to me that was super sus, it's like they are just adding things on my bill.
Maybe I was in sales for too long lol
I got recommended therapy (not by the doctors), but I underestimated the effectiveness and the effort required.
Can injuries take over 5 years to heal? Could I not have done therapy earlier?
You can diagnose tissue damage and ligament damage by ruling out a broken bone. It may not be the most comfortable diagnosis (they will probably need to touch to verify location) but you can x ray to check for a break then move from there. An MRI is just expensive for that kind of thing.
I get it though, I was scared of not walking again. Still not the same either yet.
So, a broken bone can take up to something like 9 years for the healing process to be complete (bone is formed in 6-12 weeks usually, but shaping can last years and the pain can accompany it).
From what I understand about things like soft tissue damage and ligament damage, they never really fully heal.
For an example, and this is one I know personally, if you suffer soft tissue damage that stretches your tendons out (so, by rolling an ankle) you can't really "unstretch" that tendon. That ankle will ALWAYS be more prone to reinjury, so while the tendon itself may heal, you will still suffer pain and discomfort unless you strengthen the supporting muscles to keep it straight.
So, yes, injuries can take a long time to heal. Usually it's recommended to do therapy as soon as possible, because it keeps your mobility and muscles strong and keeps the blood flowing to the affected areas.
I'm sorry your doctors failed, fren. I hate emergency rooms. They seem like profit margins are sky high by design.
He's the doctor guise get him!
Lol, well Ive been educated today without being explicitly insulted!
Thank you for taking your time to share your perspective. Really really appreciate it.
I wish I knew this 10 years ago 😭 lol I was just happy to walk without pain. But it's insane how much it healed the past year and and a half. And the biggest change was walking ~6hrs a day at work. My phone would tell me it was my most walked day of my life all the time lol 😂
The shame... good thing this is an anonymous board 😏.