HOW ABOUT THE U.S.A. KEEP ITS FAT ASS OUT OF Russian’ s and Ukrainian business. They want to kill each other so be it. U S A biparty politicians can come over there and get their $$$&&, just like Biden, Obama ect, anytime, so can fbi and doj.
You must already know that geopolitics since at least WW2 are much more complex than "mind your own business and we'll mind ours and everything will be fine".
I mean, I get the spirit of what you're saying, and I am no teacher or even a serious student of history or geopolitics , really. But even I know that it's blood in blood out once you've been king of the hill as long and as completely as the USA has.
Zelenskyy is SUCH a faggot...and I already knew that, but when I saw the preview of "Superpower," the new Netflix documentary helmed by fucking Sean Penn (an equally odious faggot) where Penn goes to visit the YOO-CRANE and gets all buddy buddy with Vlod, and the picture and video opps and staged tears just become too much, well...there's just no faggotry scale to MEASURE all of that. Please, someone...EXPOSE ALL OF THIS.
am i the only one considering the possibility that there's a larger white hat operation being funded by all this? patriots are in control, though i'll admit they're not omnipotent.
SIMPLE. It is not LEGAL. But that is the point. They are all criminals spending our money.
Criminals don't follow the law.
i cant take it.
It's not real money
Oh. Well then. Someone should tell everyone else. Especially the people most effected by these transactions and the war that they sustain.
Made me think of a song.
Look at the way the bookends are dressed . Like wrinkled flags on a casket !
That picture makes me feel as if I am staring evil in the face.
Clowns can be scary
This picture makes me feel like I’m getting slapped in the face.
Tell me if you've heard this joke before.
"Two jews and a shabbas goy walk into Congress...."
There has got to be a way to stop that!
HOW ABOUT THE U.S.A. KEEP ITS FAT ASS OUT OF Russian’ s and Ukrainian business. They want to kill each other so be it. U S A biparty politicians can come over there and get their $$$&&, just like Biden, Obama ect, anytime, so can fbi and doj.
You must already know that geopolitics since at least WW2 are much more complex than "mind your own business and we'll mind ours and everything will be fine". I mean, I get the spirit of what you're saying, and I am no teacher or even a serious student of history or geopolitics , really. But even I know that it's blood in blood out once you've been king of the hill as long and as completely as the USA has.
“Men” like this will never look like the supposed leaders they purport to be.
Weak, sad, and pathetic.
One dollar for you (Ukraine), one million dollars for a US politician, One dollar for you ( Ukraine), One million dollars for teachers union, One dollar for you (Ukraine), Millions and millions to President Zelenskyy, One dollar for you (Ukraine) Eight million for his family (Zelenskyy parents) house in Israel ect. Bidens, Pelosi,
At this point, i just don't see what the Military is waiting for. What will it take for them to protect the US from domestic enemies?
Military industrial complex gets big money. Maybe the brains behind this whole operation. They have their interests. Not ours.
President Volodymyr Zelenskyy “where billions of our tax dollars go”
Fund the money washer because they know that it will be shut down soon.
I wonder if Space Force is tracking the money?
Is this something SCOTUS can stop?
Cause, the big guy wants his 10%
Does Zelenski not have any other outfits? 😂
He does have that outfit and heels he wore in that gay music video.
Uni party globalist puppets.
Zelenskyy is SUCH a faggot...and I already knew that, but when I saw the preview of "Superpower," the new Netflix documentary helmed by fucking Sean Penn (an equally odious faggot) where Penn goes to visit the YOO-CRANE and gets all buddy buddy with Vlod, and the picture and video opps and staged tears just become too much, well...there's just no faggotry scale to MEASURE all of that. Please, someone...EXPOSE ALL OF THIS.
am i the only one considering the possibility that there's a larger white hat operation being funded by all this? patriots are in control, though i'll admit they're not omnipotent.
Anything not specified in the Constitution is illegal. Doesn't stop anyone. At least not yet.
When did the constitution give the Pentagon the strings to the nations purse? Huh
Turtle Kang, Voldemort and the Juice
let more people from Lahaina see this shit, let the lefties in the US see how our government is leaving our own people homeless and starved.
Truly a banana republic. If the sheep aren’t getting it by now, they aren’t going to. I wonder how this gets rectified after the movie is over.
Doesn’t Congress approve money spent and allocate it?
Have to keep the laundromat running because Christmas is right around the corner.