posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +137 / -1

The United States has been protecting Saudi Arabia for many years. Protecting SA was vital to our economy, protecting SA oil exports to the United States was key.

I imagine President Trump used evidence that Saudi Arabia used terrorist events (9/11) and had overthrown our political system, Trump gave SA one choice. Fix their corrupt system or we walk away and let your enemies destroy you.

Saudi Arabia paid for an infiltration from within to destroy the United States and Trump had all the evidence. Saudi Arabia had very few options at this point. Bow to President Trump or face the wrath of Israel's nukes?


Obama getting off a plane carrying a book named, "The Post American World".

Emmy-nominated host of CNN's Fareed Zakaria GPS, contributing editor for The Atlantic, a columnist for the Washington Post, and the best-selling author of The Post-American World.

The book explains how the U.S. will no longer dominate the global economy. He sees the "rise of the rest" as the great story of our time, and one that will reshape the world.


Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood


Is Valerie Jarrett Barack Obama’s “handler”?


Just like Huma Abedin was Hillary's handler.

We know Prince Alwaleed paid for Obama's Harvard tuition through donations but did you know this fact:

Huma's brother, Hassan Abedin worked with Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal on a project titled, “Spreading Islam to the West.”


Dina Habib Powell, Trump's U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor for Strategy was best friends with Hillary’s gal pal, confidant, advisor, and vice chair of her 2016 campaign for the presidency Huma Abedin, Obama White House Chief of Staff Valery Jarrett and discredited Bush National Security Advisor Condi Rice.



Compare the date stamp on the above Q drop and the politico article here:

Trump suggests Huma Abedin be jailed after State Department email release


The Muslim Brotherhood had infiltrated the White House and at the same time they were infiltrating our universities.

Q showed us also, HUMA stands for Harvard University Muslim Alumni. These alumni networked across the country to set up Muslim organizations in all of our universities.

Here is a long list of articles showing how Saudi Arabia infiltrated our universities over many years, with donations they set up a system across the country to educate students and turn them against the country. INFILTRATION FROM WITHIN.


I think Obama's creation of ISIS was to take the eye off of Suadi Arabia. Create a new enemy for the USA to concentrate on and push the Islamic caliphate for the Muslim Brotherhood.

Imagine where we would be without President Trump.