Understanding reality is not a "black pill," it is a necessary step in Awakening.
We have been trained to ignore evidence. Learning how to look at evidence reveals the Illusion. The Great Awakening is understanding that there is an illusion, and understanding its details. Those details are not "black pills," they are red pills. If you turn it into black because you don't like it, that's on you.
Its a black pill for me.
I always thought of Ben Franklin as amazing founding father. But these revelations. Its a lot like learning that your father is a sith lord.
I'm still having a hard time buying it. But that's what research is for.
I dunno I think some redpills can be blackpills. I mean if you take those idea that everyone has to know the truth about everything then I guess keep sending those blacks - eh, redpills. But look at our country before ww2 it was pretty based and most people only knew that they had to get up tomorrow to go to work and to Churxh on Sunday to praise god and then to go do some baby making and the rest worked itself out. We had a homogenous high trust society that was 95% white and not infiltrated by the eternal enemy and it all was pretty damn good. Now we have the world at our fingertips while the place is overrun. Now there’s a blackpill for you
Well that’s a blackpill
Understanding reality is not a "black pill," it is a necessary step in Awakening.
We have been trained to ignore evidence. Learning how to look at evidence reveals the Illusion. The Great Awakening is understanding that there is an illusion, and understanding its details. Those details are not "black pills," they are red pills. If you turn it into black because you don't like it, that's on you.
Its a black pill for me. I always thought of Ben Franklin as amazing founding father. But these revelations. Its a lot like learning that your father is a sith lord. I'm still having a hard time buying it. But that's what research is for.
It is best to not put your faith in men. Not even yourself. Trust God.
2 Corinthians 1:9 (KJV) But we had the sentence of death in ourselves, that we should not trust in ourselves, but in God which raiseth the dead.
I dunno I think some redpills can be blackpills. I mean if you take those idea that everyone has to know the truth about everything then I guess keep sending those blacks - eh, redpills. But look at our country before ww2 it was pretty based and most people only knew that they had to get up tomorrow to go to work and to Churxh on Sunday to praise god and then to go do some baby making and the rest worked itself out. We had a homogenous high trust society that was 95% white and not infiltrated by the eternal enemy and it all was pretty damn good. Now we have the world at our fingertips while the place is overrun. Now there’s a blackpill for you