From the wikileaks dump. A MAP is mentioned there. In this email. What is a pizza related map?
To: John Podesta
The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.
From the wikileaks dump. A MAP is mentioned there. In this email. What is a pizza related map?
To: John Podesta
The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yorus? They can send it if you want. I know you’re busy, so feel free not to respond if it’s not yours or you don’t want it.
RE: Did you leave a handkerchief
Pizza is a child - either boy or girl, I can't remember which pizza symbolizes. Map is a handkerchief or rag with "bodily fluids" on it.
Pizza = girl
Hotdog = boy
Pizza = girl. Hot dog = boy.