We bled and died by the thousands to put the cabal into power all in the name of saving democracy. America the ultimate social justice warrior destroyed itself by fighting it's enemies wars.
If he did say that, I would think he was referring to the political/social aspect of communism, as an enemy, compared to the actual global military threat of the Nazis.
He said we defeated the wrong enemy. He said we’re going to have to fight these commies sooner or later might as well be now. He wanted to turn on the Soviets. It’s a great story if you look it up. Said the Germans were good disciplined soldiers….. they were brainwashed.
We bled and died by the thousands to put the cabal into power all in the name of saving democracy. America the ultimate social justice warrior destroyed itself by fighting it's enemies wars.
Patton did say we went after the wrong enemy. And……. CUE RANDOM CAR ACCIDENT!
If he did say that, I would think he was referring to the political/social aspect of communism, as an enemy, compared to the actual global military threat of the Nazis.
He said we defeated the wrong enemy. He said we’re going to have to fight these commies sooner or later might as well be now. He wanted to turn on the Soviets. It’s a great story if you look it up. Said the Germans were good disciplined soldiers….. they were brainwashed.