What do you think drop 300 means? Was it pointed towards after yesterdays Court Session?
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Also weird that L is in fact coming here again.
Weird, when I looked at your post, the one just above it was about the committee of 300.
Maybe one of these?
Excuse the Wikipedia link, but they are usually rather complete about most films.
Maybe something to do with the secret offices? They are supposedly just marked with a number.
Maybe a pic of Alaweed with Pelosi around room 300??
alwaleed.com.sa is worth browsing in archive.org
Plenty of pics of his wife at CGI events.
Illuminati, the 300 & the Pyramid...
First line strikes me as weird. Clinton has been seen on a beach (its 2.0 or body double.) Hessein has been making appearances in general.
Alwaleed I found this -> Al Waleed was released from detention in late January 2018, nearly three months after his arrest. According to a Wall Street Journal report, the price for his release was $6 billion. In March 2018 he was dropped from the World's Billionaires list due to lack of current information
But Alwaleed is a ghost. I can't find much recent info. I cant even confirm from 'news' if he is in jail or not.
I assume all of them are Gitmo'd thouigh. I just find this drop interesting as Hussein and Clintons and other US politicians make appearances all the time. Usually staged.
I haven't seen many of the politicians 'caught' outside, doing mundane tasks or what have you. But thats a lot of digging to go through.
I think the question is can you find a pic of Alwaleed with Clinton, Obama or any other politician
And, who do you think the "you"s refer to?
My initial impression ....
The first "you" is us
I think the second is Alwaleed.
I agree, again. Thanks
I see thank you. I missread the grammar on that one. Over the target lol
Easy to misinterpret that one. I had to read it a few times
Did a bit of a proof around drop 300 and your image here.
He's not that much of a ghost. Used to brag very publicly about his connections:
Can you paste a link to where you got the picture fren?