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The most embarrassing thing about this is that these same people pride themselves on being awake unlike those "libtard NPCs" and then immediately support the latest fresh and hot psyop.
Lmaooo. Yup
I'm glad I've got you guys, or the bullshit would drive me crazy.
I’m seventy. Looking back in my life and the difficulties that I endured was mostly related to our nation government and both parties. Wars, taxation and most of all they the Republicans and Democrats created THE MOST BIGGEST HURDLE WAS “INFLATION”. Both parties are guilty and we the people allowed it to happen. The road ahead gets worse and the people that our government murder around the world belongs to you and me and Karma is a bitch to deal with. No one around the world is going to step up to help us. The 33 trillion dollars that we as an nation owe and that our politicians handed out and got kick backs, made their friends multi millions their corporations friends made billions and you and I our wife’s most work a 16 hour day to stay ahead of the bill collectors and still as a nation we can not make ends meet. All 100 senators and 435 congress persons should be investigated and if found guilty imprisoned.
The real relevant question is to whom do we owe the $33T?
The banks. Congress is SUPPOSED to create our money supply and WE THE PEOPLE are SUPPOSED to own it. But instead with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, Congress abdicated their responsibility to private banks that make up the Federal Reserve System and gave money creation powers to privately owned banks. They create new money out of thin air based on "reserve requirements" (if they "hold" $1B, they can "loan" $9B, which is a fancy way of saying they can lend money that they don't have and doesn't exist) and give giant loans to their buddies to buy out whatever they want, transferring 1s and 0s into real productivity and real assets. Fiat money/fractional reserve currency is created in all credit transactions- they create a liability in your name and you pay them back with real wages AND interest. This is why banks don't give a crap when someone steals your credit card and makes a bunch of charges. It's not their money at risk- in fact, it's nobody's money at risk, it's just a new liability they can write off as a loss that cost them literally nothing to capture.
It's pretty wild that this is the world we live in. But nothing can possibly change until the entirety of the current money system worldwide is eradicated. Because as long as Banksters can create new money out of thin air and exchange it for goods and services, nothing holds any real monetary value.
The US Debt will never be repaid - both the lender and borrower are bankrupt.
You're missing the point.
Our "debt" is fake. It's fiat, based on nothing, manufactured, created out of thin air. We "owe" interest to the banking members of the Federal Reserve System simply because Congress gave them that right and promised our country to them instead of printing money through the treasury as intended.
It's not real debt. It cannot be repaid by design.
Totally happening in my group of conservative friends. Weird weird weird. All of a sudden it’s not a psyop.
I dont know anybody who died but I dont see any evidence this attack was a psyop. We saw biden give up the money. We saw iran give crap to hamas. Now hamas used it the way hamas always was going to. What's the psyop
Israel created Hamas to counter the PLO…this has been known for years
But even if they didn’t, Hamas has been stockpiling arms since the 80s
They’ve been firing rockets year after year…
But go ahead and believe the media and Israel (same thing)…they wouldn’t lie 🥴
The attacks may or may not be real, there a lot of OLD old footage going around on twitter, its hard to tell when we're watching it unfold through the looking glass.
How did the equipment get into Gaza? A bird cant shit on that border with someone being alerted.
All of MSM suddenly lights up with pictures and video... programming the public's outrage and which opinions are acceptable on the matter. ....Update complete. ...... Ukraine2.0.exe....
I smell a rat.
massive worldwide media campaign to bomb the most oppressed civilians on earth by the most technologically superior army on the planet.
WhAtS ThE PsYoP?
What country is Epstein/Weinstein/Maxwell from?
Oh please. The palestinians are "the most oppressed civilians on earth" because any time you give them any freedom or weapons they use it to do this.
Israel just shut off their electricity and is bombing civilian residential buildings with robot planes.
spare me the outrage.
What country was Epstein and Weinstein from? Palestine?
They intentionally fire from schools and hospitals so israel has to shoot at those to hit terrorists.
why not send in their "special forces" that are supposedly so good??
why level civilian buildings with airstrikes?
why do they need US money and weapons?
you never answered where Epstein and Weinstein were from btw
I dont think you know what special forces are. I just told you why civilian buildings get leveled with air strikes.
Israeli boot licking is self destructive
Lmaoooo who do you think controls Iran and hamas. You are falling for the bin Laden trick all over again.
But russia is allies w iran. So by that logic putin is also a cia stooge and not truly "fighting teh globalists" at all
Bingo. Ukriane war is to kill off the natives and bring all the Jews from Israel over there. They will leave Israel and go back to kazar.
Well I dont happen to subscribe to that version of events and I'd say neither does the majority of this site
Good for you. Here is a cookie 🍪