Got a call two days ago, my cell said "CDC NATL IMUN" so I answered and the person said "We'd like to ask you some questions about your COVID vaccination status." I hung up and I've gotten two more calls from them since then (have not picked up). Anyone else getting calls?
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Any number not in my contact list it goes to voicemail 100% of the time.
And most of them never leave a voicemail. If they call me again and again they go onto the block list.
This is the way.
Our cell carrier was sold about a year ago and I haven't been able to access my voicemail since then. Turns out that I'm fine with that.
Not yet but you did the right thing fren. Watch your back and surroundings
Ask them if they've ever heard of HIPA? Then start drilling down into who they are, where are they calling from, who is their boss, what organization do they represent, will any information you give them going to be used against you, and if they do answer any of those questions, then start answering their questions with very vague answers. "I don't know", "I cannot remember", "I need to ask my spouse". Keep them on the line so long that they get frustrated enough that they won't want to call back.
Tell them they are in violation of the privacy act of 1974.
Then ask for their name.
They will never call again.
How about.. I don't know, what did you do? Heh
Tell them to eat a bag of dicks.
I have a call screening service for that very reason….as well as political calls, Medicare enrollment etc
Say ok, then with each question say no comment, I won’t divulge that information.
Have not got a call from them yet...but I hope I do
Never gotten a call.
I only got one and they left a message. Asking if I had any minors. I blocked them.
I got a visit by an official representative asking me to log on to her computer to take a survey asking same thing. Said no thanks. She gave me the web address to do it myself later. She had my name and address but I gave her a bad phone number so she couldn't bug me again. No I didn't log in.
Doesn't your phone have a call blocker?
If not just get a call blocking app....
My phone does block this sort of stuff, but it didn't block this one. I think it's actually them and they must be whitelisted.
Just because your screen shows CDC NATL IMUN doesnt mean anything anymore. I got TONS of calls with screens showing all kinds of names and local area code numbers and they are always Indian scammers. I used to play along but now I dont bother.
Especially this time of year when med insurance companies pushing for new customers before end of the year.