We are seeing the swamp drain past the boundaries of DC, past the media, and into the "influencers". The clear positioning of opinions to pick a side is becoming the tell-tale sign of sleeper cells to keep us divided and fighting.
The strongest posts out there criticize the need to pick a side and it is resonating.
Removed. Daily chat pls
Yeah I found it interesting how many people I believed were truthers suddenly without questioning anything sided with Israel. Avi from Rebel News for one. Disappointing. Ben Shapiro, not too surprising. It is good to find out what side they are really on, or at least, whether they have learned anything over the past 6 years.
Lots of people showed their true colors. Even some on here.
Laura Loomer. "Glass them"
I am not on either side.
If either of them was on my side, I would be on their side too. But since both of those groups of whack-a-doodles want to see white Christian males exterminated, I say let them have a go at each other.
If white Christian males stay out of it long enough, we will only have to clean up half the mess.
IDF today said you’re with us or you’re with terrorists 🤣
They may have been quoting Bush Jnr
Or Jr was saying whatever Mossad told him to say?