I believe it's more like the thing that controls the US also controls Israel (and a whole lot of other countries too.) Israel is one of its pawns on the board.
I don't think the people of Israel are any more free from it than we are.
Q talks about the triangle with its 3 sides + ++ and +++, that triangle is also known as the eye of providence or "the feeder", the top triangle of the system that gets "fed" by all the lower levels. Some of the "feeders" are wars, debt, drugs, etc. That eye has many enforcers, it seems like they use both secret societies and intelligence agencies. I'm referring to the direct way in which the eye of providence controls the US Congress and that is directly through Israel. Even though they all serve a supranational interest the means to accomplish that are provided by America's "greatest ally" who is its mortal enemy, fake Israel. In terms of what can be processed by the normies, this might be a good "finishing" point.
I was just thinking about this. I believe they have been using the USA to fund all sides of all modern wars. Most definitely this specific war that has been on going since they redrew lines after WW2.
They do it to a) get rid of useless eaters and b) keep getting that dark money. There's a lot left to be revealed.
I believe it's more like the thing that controls the US also controls Israel (and a whole lot of other countries too.) Israel is one of its pawns on the board.
I don't think the people of Israel are any more free from it than we are.
Q talks about the triangle with its 3 sides + ++ and +++, that triangle is also known as the eye of providence or "the feeder", the top triangle of the system that gets "fed" by all the lower levels. Some of the "feeders" are wars, debt, drugs, etc. That eye has many enforcers, it seems like they use both secret societies and intelligence agencies. I'm referring to the direct way in which the eye of providence controls the US Congress and that is directly through Israel. Even though they all serve a supranational interest the means to accomplish that are provided by America's "greatest ally" who is its mortal enemy, fake Israel. In terms of what can be processed by the normies, this might be a good "finishing" point.
But peace in the Middle East is the pinnacle of success and President Trump has already laid the groundwork for negotiations.
I was just thinking about this. I believe they have been using the USA to fund all sides of all modern wars. Most definitely this specific war that has been on going since they redrew lines after WW2.
They do it to a) get rid of useless eaters and b) keep getting that dark money. There's a lot left to be revealed.