So an opinion without merit or weight; an opinion that we should continue devaluing our cash to no benefit to our own citizenry in a battle that Israel themselves have a part in the instigation and continuation of.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that we shouldn't be policing the world? For years people said that, and now the same people are willing to piss away lives and cash for foreign wars that are not conducive to our continued survival and prosperity.
I upvoted you for admitting it is opinion. now about that opinion, are you saying Jews that disagree with the narrative coming from israel are not entitled to that opinion? it is JEWS that are protesting schumer here.
Those were terrorists that were arrested, they want to defund israel so they can do more terrorism
welcome, handshake account. now could you provide source or is that your own opinion?
So an opinion without merit or weight; an opinion that we should continue devaluing our cash to no benefit to our own citizenry in a battle that Israel themselves have a part in the instigation and continuation of.
Why is it so hard for people to understand that we shouldn't be policing the world? For years people said that, and now the same people are willing to piss away lives and cash for foreign wars that are not conducive to our continued survival and prosperity.
I upvoted you for admitting it is opinion. now about that opinion, are you saying Jews that disagree with the narrative coming from israel are not entitled to that opinion? it is JEWS that are protesting schumer here.
Then they're experiencing internalized antisemetism.
Opposition to Israel is support of terrorism, supporting terrorism is the same as doing terrorism, therefor they're terrorists.
A handshake with all bad takes. Curious.
You are a member of Patriot Front arent you?