👹🤡🏛 Pelosi Launches Vicious Attack on Jim Jordan, Calls Speaker Vote an “Assault on Democracy” (VIDEO) 👹🤡🏛
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"Threat to democracy" gets used almost as much as the race card with these clowns.
Pelosi is an assault on humanity.
She should of been boxed up with Feinstein.
She should have kept her, promise to the clown McCarthy then.
If a DemonRat says "threat to democracy" you know you are over the target.
Thankfully no one gives a shit what this asshat windbag says.
It’s a good thing we are not a “Democracy”.
We are not a democracy. And, unfortunately, we are not a functioning Constitutional Republic either.
Two tiered justice, selections instead of elections, massive money laundering of our tax dollars through DC to spread globally. Could really go on and on.
As far as Pelosi is concerned, closing the liqour stores is an attack on Democracy.
It is an assault on "Democracy" the rule of the Majority, IE 4 wolves vs 3 lambs. We live in a REPUBLIC bitch! the lambs are armed.