The hermetically sealed secret is quite obvious if you have the ability to see. There is no outside salvation, no one comming to save us. The salvation comes from our own willingness to achieve salvation. Religion takes the power away from you and hands it off to a hypothetical, which in turn hands the power off to the cabal.
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. It is sad because it is indoctrination. Get berated when try and speak of it when trying to help and essentially being for the same common goal. People know they have been lied to in school, MSM, History, technology, medicine etc etc etc. But not the Church. That was not infiltrated. God LOVING not God FEARING. It is too bad imo that people do not want to even research what that means and shut it down completely because THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. No fear. All love. Love is the highest frequency we can achieve as humans, fear is the lowest. The higher your frequency, the closer to God.
Fearing God entails respect. Like a child will fear his parents' disapproval and punishment, he will do what is right while unobserved. It is a different fear than "the monster under the bed" or "you better behave because Santa Claus is watching you" since that is not real love. So when we are urged to fear God, it is out of respect and awe. It's not a Freddy Kreuger kind of fear.
Touchy subject. Psychedelics are another thing we have been lied about. They are plants and plant medicine. In ancient history, psychedelic plants were used as a form of currency. They grow in nature, not made in a lab. The “war on drugs” was an absolute sham. Research about Jesus and psychedelics, you’ll be surprised...
That being said, people interested can easily find more info on the subject. They are not something to do at a party or concert etc but by yourself or a shaman, in a safe quiet place and in the right state of mind knowing what you are getting yourself into. They also must be respected.
If done the right way, they certainly can help in numerous ways and take you into the quantum realm of reality. What we do not perceive with our 5 senses in a 3d world. I also have friends who have stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey, no cravings nothing, after 25+ years of smoking daily with just one trip. Same for alcohol or alcoholics as well as depression.
Based on my research and the research of many others, it makes absolutely no sense how people will take like Lipitor and Xanax and shit encouraging big pharma vs nature.
For depression, big pharma 💊 temporary block receptors of the neurons or synapses in your brain, hence why people are repeat customers. Plant medicine like mushrooms actually reconnect these neurons therefore attack the root of the problem vs masking it temporarily. (FF to 4:03:15 👇)
Again I urge people to truly do their research and know what they are getting into if considering psychedelics.
Edit: to answer your question, yes. Because they also give you an ego death. When that happens you have more love to give and to receive. Feel more grateful about life in general. Feel more empathetic. Can make you not fear death as they help understand the soul. Therefore all these are love frequencies vs fear frequencies.
Edit2: here are just a couple recent examples from friends of mine who either have stopped smoking or really really woke up after having an “ego death”
The hermetically sealed secret is quite obvious if you have the ability to see. There is no outside salvation, no one comming to save us. The salvation comes from our own willingness to achieve salvation. Religion takes the power away from you and hands it off to a hypothetical, which in turn hands the power off to the cabal.
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. It is sad because it is indoctrination. Get berated when try and speak of it when trying to help and essentially being for the same common goal. People know they have been lied to in school, MSM, History, technology, medicine etc etc etc. But not the Church. That was not infiltrated. God LOVING not God FEARING. It is too bad imo that people do not want to even research what that means and shut it down completely because THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. No fear. All love. Love is the highest frequency we can achieve as humans, fear is the lowest. The higher your frequency, the closer to God.
Great insight. Blessing to you in the love and light of the infinite Creator.
Thanks WM. God Bless brother.
Yes! I always thought "God fearing" was so bass ackwards.
It is. Thats not love.
Fearing God entails respect. Like a child will fear his parents' disapproval and punishment, he will do what is right while unobserved. It is a different fear than "the monster under the bed" or "you better behave because Santa Claus is watching you" since that is not real love. So when we are urged to fear God, it is out of respect and awe. It's not a Freddy Kreuger kind of fear.
Btw, do you think psychedelics increase one's frequency?
Touchy subject. Psychedelics are another thing we have been lied about. They are plants and plant medicine. In ancient history, psychedelic plants were used as a form of currency. They grow in nature, not made in a lab. The “war on drugs” was an absolute sham. Research about Jesus and psychedelics, you’ll be surprised...
That being said, people interested can easily find more info on the subject. They are not something to do at a party or concert etc but by yourself or a shaman, in a safe quiet place and in the right state of mind knowing what you are getting yourself into. They also must be respected.
If done the right way, they certainly can help in numerous ways and take you into the quantum realm of reality. What we do not perceive with our 5 senses in a 3d world. I also have friends who have stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey, no cravings nothing, after 25+ years of smoking daily with just one trip. Same for alcohol or alcoholics as well as depression.
Based on my research and the research of many others, it makes absolutely no sense how people will take like Lipitor and Xanax and shit encouraging big pharma vs nature.
For depression, big pharma 💊 temporary block receptors of the neurons or synapses in your brain, hence why people are repeat customers. Plant medicine like mushrooms actually reconnect these neurons therefore attack the root of the problem vs masking it temporarily. (FF to 4:03:15 👇)
Again I urge people to truly do their research and know what they are getting into if considering psychedelics.
Edit: to answer your question, yes. Because they also give you an ego death. When that happens you have more love to give and to receive. Feel more grateful about life in general. Feel more empathetic. Can make you not fear death as they help understand the soul. Therefore all these are love frequencies vs fear frequencies.
Edit2: here are just a couple recent examples from friends of mine who either have stopped smoking or really really woke up after having an “ego death”
Very interesting. Question, do you actually have to experience ego death to benefit? Can not micro dosing help raise your vibration as well?
Side note, have you ever listened to Alan Watts?
Some like DMT can allow you to peak behind the veil. And can allow for a shortcut to one’s spiritual awakening.
Direct contradiction of Q:
"Miitary is the only way."
What ever helps you to cope.