“A Year-Long Analysis: Revealed that from 01/01 - 12/31 of 2022, At Least 349 kindergarten through 12th-grade educators were arrested on child sex crimes. The 349 educators included 5 principals, 3 assistant principals, 290 teachers, 26 substitute teachers, 25 teachers’ aides. 262 involved students.
🧐 Pizzagate 🤔
As a demographic, I'd be interested in the percentages above 'norm' for this type of shit. I mean, it's almost like jobs involving children attracts people who want to abuse kids.
One might even think it these "child care/training" institutions were designed to preferentially select these people as employees. I'm sure the fact that they were all designed by Rockefeller et al, and are teaching what his other organization, the C_A, tells them to, has nothing to do with it.
the catholic church has entered the chat
Preceded by the rabbis and thousands of protestants owned by the alphabet agencies