DISGUSTING! Dirty Leftist Attorneys Play Video of Trump on Jan. 6 to Open Colorado Case to Remove Trump from Ballot – REFUSE TO PLAY His Words Encouraging Supporters to be Peaceful (VIDEO)
🧠 These people are stupid!
Should be an easy lawsuit for him with respect to malicious intent to damage his character.
That is true but it is no longer about the money but about power control and manipulation.
17 Stipulations, at 13:08. https://rumble.com/v3so465-episode-3137-trial-starts-in-colorado-to-remove-trump-from-the-ballot.html
The dirty left was up to their old tricks again today.
Radical leftist attorneys in Colorado opened their argument to toss President Trump from the ballot in the state.
During their opening remarks, these far-left attorneys shared two clips of President Trump’s speech at the Ellipse to a million supporters on January 6, 2021.
They insist President Trump started a violent riot.
And hey, all the Democrats had to do was edit out and censor all the peaceful stuff, make tons of edits, and only cherry pick completely out of context remarks and stuff.
I should have started a business when I was younger. My business plan could have literally just been to exclusively sell to Democrats because they'll literally believe anything and are too dumb to do the slightest amount of research. I could have been a trillionaire.
I am surprised team Pelosi did not provide them a copy their edited films. The ones that are suitable for framing.
Then the defense needs to play those parts
Exactly. And hopefully those who are not awake catch on to what is going on. Or does it still require explanations which I fear is still the case.
what do you expect from these clowns?
Exactly this.
This is an actual video of the lawyers arriving at court.
They must think Trump is going to win Colorado
They know he won and will win again.
All they have to do is produce the whole audio/visual of Trump's entire remarks, right? This seems like a dumb move on their part...but what should we expect...
I just file it under you can not tell the people you have to show the people. Now lets hope they catch on.
Half truth = LIE
Must be SOP never to reveal any evidence that exonerates the innocent.
No Brady violation here. This isn’t a criminal proceeding so the Brady rule doesn’t apply. But even if it did, they wouldn’t have to introduce potentially exculpatory evidence in court, they just have to ensure that the defense has it. Then it’s up to the defense whether to use it or not.
It would certainly be one of the stronger appeals to be filed in living memory…. There’s no way the judge will allow just one side to introduce parts of the video.
Lets see how it all plays out. may be exposing more then some rights twisters. We may be exposing the Court also.
Eminently qualified you biggots!! Reeeeee
I suspect they have quota they need to meet in selling DS BS on a daily basis.
Thank you for the link.
Amen, when you think they can not get any lower they rise to the occasion.
When I listened to that this morning I almost threw something at the TV!
These people are beyond disgusting.