Why is it that the countries that have been involved in direct conflict over these past few years, just happen to coincide with the countries that are tied to the fall of the Khazarian Empire?
(Ukraine) - The Khazarian Empire encompassed what is now Ukraine and parts of Eastern Europe.
Khazarians at the time were known by those living in bordering countries to generally be liars, deceivers,cons, robbers, road warriors, murderers, identity thieves and social parasites of the worst variety. And to make matters worse, their ruler did nothing to reverse this because he too was like them. They repeatedly preyed on travelers at their borders or anyone who tried to travel through Khazaria, usually a fatal mistake.
(Russia and Iran) -
Russia and Persia (Present day Iran) had repeatedly instructed Khazarian leadership that Khazaria as a nation and people had to change from its evil, inhuman ways and stop parasitizing its neighbors, or suffer complete destruction.
This ultimatum was that Khazaria as a nation had to immediately change its ways, and to do this, King Bulan must select one of the three Abrahamic religions and institute it as the official required Khazarian state religion. King Bulan was told in no uncertain terms that the religion chosen must be indoctrinated in all Khazarians to serve as rules of conduct and as a basis for integrity and ethics that were previously completely absent.
King Bulan agreed and selected Torah Judaism as Khazaria’s official religion. This worked somewhat for a while, but soon Khazarians were drifting back to their old ways of national banditry, murder and gross parasitism of others from surrounding nations.
Instead of working to establish morals and ethics in his nation by making a serious attempt to practice Torah Judaism, King Bulan and his top staff actually were inducted into the Black Arts and Black Magic of Babylonian Talmudism, better known as Baal worship or Satanism. Externally this looks a lot like Torah Judaism and can be used as false cover, which it was.
Khazaria was finally destroyed in about 1250 AD by Russia and Persia(Current day Iran) as it had been literally terrorizing, robbing, murdering and parasitizing neighbors and travelers for over 500 years.
(Israel) - 80% of Israel is owned by the Rothchilds. In fact it was Lionel Walter Rothschild who had the British Support in 1917 by decree of the Balfour Declaration.
The Balfour Declaration (“Baflours promise” in Arabic) declared by Britain in 1917 statement of British support for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.
The Rothchild's ancestry goes back to the Khazarian Empire.
The Khazar empire had a small but powerful group of Jewish bankers in Kiev as early as the 10th century.” – The Regime: Usury, Khazaria and the American Mass, Matthew Johnson. The Rothschilds were Ashkenazi Jews, Khazarians, “they’re arguably the most influential Nephilim Hosts of the Common Era,” Sangar said, “the Rothschild family and their Khazarian mafia have gained a foothold in almost every country since the mid-1700s.”
A Nephilim host such as the Rothchilds - “Nephilim Hosts are individuals who have partnered with the spiritual forces of darkness to carry out the Nephilim agenda.” An agenda to defile the human genome through the propagation of a hybrid race, the purpose of which is to overthrow God’s Kingdom.
(Palestine) - Having secured the support of the British government for the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine, on May 14, 1948, as soon as the British Mandate expired, Zionist forces declared the establishment of the State of Israel, triggering the first Arab-Israeli war. (known as the Nakba) The Zionist military forces expelled at least 750,000 Palestinians from their homes and lands and captured 78 percent of historic Palestine, with the remaining 22 percent was divided into what are now the occupied West Bank and the besieged Gaza Strip.
Some other interesting details that might explain the desired ethnic cleansing of Palestine in 1948, ties back to the Khazarians again.
Khazarians’ origin is believed to have been a hybridization between Turks and Mongols, with absolutely no genetic ties to the ancient Hebrews. It is truly interesting that these Khazarians have absolutely no ancient Hebrew Blood at all, none, although their leaders usually claim to carry ancient Hebrew Blood and to be Semites, when they are not Semites at all, and have absolutely no ancestral rights to any land in the Mideast.
About 80% of the Palestinians carry ancient Hebrew Blood and thus are true Semites, and hold an un-abandoned, absolute ancestral right to all of Palestine, despite any Khazarian claims, which are all based on lies and political intrigue.
Feel free to comment on what i shared here today. My thoughts are that the Khazarians have had a long time hate for both Russia and Persia (Present day Iran.) They still have a score to settle with the both of them. They have used the West to help finance their retaliation war against Russia, and are now pushing the notion that it is Iran, who is responsible for the recent attacks made by Hamas. This is obviously setting the stage up for the Khazarians retaliation war against Iran.
This doesnt surprise me though. When you look at Biden's executive branch, it is full of Askenazi/Khazarian Jews. (Blinken, Yellen, Garland, Nuland) These individuals have bent over backwards to ensure that Ukraine was supported against Russia, and now that Israel will be supported against Iran.
The Palestinians on the other hand must be eliminated as they hold Hebrew blood and are the true Semites. This makes them a threat to the Khazarian wanna be Jews.
Don't gets your hopes up for a sticky. There's a lot of hard truths to reckon in this post that many will ignore and call nonsense.
Suppression. 🤪
I was gladly proven wrong.
No longer stickied. Womp womp
And there is a lot of nonsense that many will admire and call truth. (Interesting that the Khazarian Empire can be "destroyed"...yet right afterward there is a thriving "Khazarian Mafia." They must have risen from the dead.)
They simply moved and changed their names -- to things like Silverstein and Rothschild.
Just because Khazaria was destroyed as a nation doesn't mean it was eliminated completely. Same happened with Canaan and Babylon. The blood and spirit live on through the survivors and those who escaped.
Show me a provable Caananite or Babylonian and you might have a point. The polity, society, and culture are entirely gone. Blood is blood, notorious for bleeding. "Spirit" is entirely conjectural and immaterial.
By spirit I mean beliefs. There are many around who have their spirit. Just look at every single Masonic Lodge.
Yup, just like the Knights Templar, the Top Ranked Officials stayed in France to be Slaughtered, while their Navy became the High Seas Pirates, and the FreeMasons popped up in England shortly thereafter....
Oh, wait, you probably didn't want to know that level of Deception is possible....
It seems like every comment I see from you is some pseudo-intellectual, snide, bullshit remark that isn't made with an ounce of good faith. And that is usually missing some glaring aspect of the issue entirely.
For example, this "observation" you've made isn't nearly as smart as you must think it is.
Operation Paperclip
If something like that happened back then, and they successfully destroyed any historical evidence of it, how would you ever know?
And do you really think that the fall of empires completely destroys all the people within? Or do those people begrudgingly accept the fact their great society fell and go into the shadows of what now reigns over them to either plot something else or die?
If China successfully invaded and took over America, with full control of our military, police, federal government, and state and local governments, what would you do? Lay down and proclaim Xi Jinping as your new Emperor?
Of course you wouldn't do that. And it's no different. Anyone who survives something like that, and is thus still alive under the new order, whether it's the leaders or the citizens; they will fight back in some way.
When Donald Trump won the presidency did the entire deepstate apparatus just go "oh darn! I guess he got us!" and give up? Or did they work to stop him despite what the law says?
Obviously, they didn't just give up. Do you think they would if we completely took the country over from them but failed to execute them all for treason? Maybe some are successful in fleeing to some safe haven island or other country. Surely they'll just call it a day and become good people or something, right?
And of course, any group that successfully builds an empire, even one that falls to outside forces in its time, is a group that is to be treated with the utmost respect towards their abilities. To discount them even in seeming defeat would be foolish.
Those were the days when "destroyed" had a tangible meaning. Reference the works of Kublai Khan, and Tamerlane. Also the destruction of Carthage.
If something like Operation Paperclip had happened long ago, and all the evidence had been effaced, how would you know it had happened, yourself? It is a logical conundrum to make claims about what happened, when all knowledge is obliterated. The simple answer is that the Khazars dissipated as a people and a society, and interbred with other peoples, to lose any genetic or ethnic uniqueness. Such information can always be lost. If you talk about the breedlines of dogs, for example, you always come back to the fact that thorough-going mongrelization would simply revert back to the primitive wolf.
(In any case, Operation Paperclip brought us von Braun and his team from Peenemunde, without whom we would not have had the Saturn V to take us to the Moon. It is silly to continually bring it up in tones of menace.)
Of course the Deep State is the opposing force. Why would you even ask that question?
People here are prone to instance the work of Satan as the source of the evil we face. I have no disagreement with that, but I think they don't take that claim very seriously. Satan is the Prince of Lies and his greatest power is not to induce demonic evil, but to beguile with lies and deception. The greatest lie and deception we face from our opposition is the idea that they are supremely powerful. This is carefully cultivated by them. Those who don't suspect are nevertheless enthralled by The Narrative. Those who do suspect are not enthralled by the news content or propaganda---but they are enthralled with the fear that they are nearly omnipotent, just as you have shown. I don't take it for granted that they are as powerful as they want us to think (and, make no mistake, they want us to think that). Their fear, anxiety, and panic is because they dread us discovering that deception.
as did the nazis