The army finally puts out a decent ad and an the comments are pure gold!
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Delicious boomerang 🪃🪃🪃
I am a boomer and I would like to see Israel go away. If you read the religious texts of both Jews & Muslims they are virtually the same supremacist dogma and are anathema to the US Constitution.
I keep trying to explain to a lot of the Christians that love to espouse the whole "chosen people" thing about how no, I won't support the country of Israel, which has very little to do with the Biblical PEOPLE of Israel. The country was formed by the UN in 1948. That doesn't really seem like a divine act to me.
Also, the Israelis like to teach that Jesus was the bastard son of a Roman soldier and he's spending eternity in Hell, boiling in shit. That last part tends to raise a few eyebrows.
The "chosen people" status was given to the Hebrews in the Old Testament. But under the New Testament that status is moved to all who follow Christ. It is mind boggling to me that somehow so many have been convinced, that some Christ denying heretics, many of no blood relation to the original tribes, are "chosen" and deserve to squat in our Holy Lands.
I know it. But some people refuse to believe it. They still want to call Jews the chosen people. Even my wife, whose parents were missionaries, and she was even born in Congo, hit me with that the other day. I told her no, WE are the "chosen people". She looked at me like I had a dick growing out of my forehead.
Talmud Jews vs Torah Jews, stark difference. I've known the latter, even Orthodox, the former are Zionist culties and highly untrustworthy.
Yeah, I guess I came off like a Jew hater or something. I’m not, and I do have a bit of a soft spot for the Messianic Jews in particular. Mostly cause that really can’t be an easy life.
The Talmud, though. The Zionists that follow it. Sheesh. That’s some messed up stuff. too.
Completely over-represented in every sector of society, non-stop manipulation through perceived/contrived victimhood, etc etc.
Having grown up watching them turn my farming town into a junior tel aviv was sickening. A synnergog on every corner within 1/2 mile and good ole chabad lubovich to boot. They're only jew-ish when it suits their manipulation tactics. Jews in this area are not devout. They only attend during holidays for the networking and social aspects.
These people are chosen for what exactly? To be ugly? Because many most certainly are that. Like the ones that cringe and spit when you mention Christ. Nothing like commandeering the lost tribes birthright for yourself via name stealing - but really - who gives a shit. When you live in spirit, you don't get hooked by who begat who because it means zilch in the afterlife.
My best friend of 35 years grew up jewish and he'd be the first to agree with everything I just said.
A few points of clarity:
They're not God's chosen people. They chose that particular god to worship. Not the other way around.
Israel isn't a place, it's a person. Interesting how the preachers leave that part out when it's time for the collection basket to get passed around.
Again - they're over-represented in nearly every sphere of influence, including US Congress/Senate, banking and the media. There IS a global conspiracy and a reason they've been thrown out of over 100 countries over the years.
I'm not speaking about your average jew trying to raise his family and be left the hell alone like the rest of us...but I am talking about arrogant JINOs and the name stealers that use the whole jew thing to further agendas, like destroying Germany. Not everything is black and white. I'm talking about the fuckers that stir up shit between people and slip out the back.
It's time they got knocked down a few pegs.
Find your connection to God and forget all this chosen bullshit. In the light of God, all of this is trivial horseshit... and you'll start thinking, living and making more Godly decisions because you're plugged in directly. Middle men be damned.