Based on the clownworld voting results yesterday, I really wonder if we are supposed to get to 2024 and Trump will "lose" every state... and THEN we can finally have the military do its thing.
🤔💠Theory 😲💡
Datefagging certainly is dangerous. But, discussing timing is part of the discussion overall.
Any thoughts about the timeline, the Precipice, etc.?
I think it would actually be an amazing Precipice if the MSM shows Trump losing every single state to FJB or Kamala. The ultimate red pill.
That would send me down into a deep depression if Trump lost the election. Next election is it for me. If this ship doesn’t turn around by then, we’re done IMHO
As much as I want to believe Trump will win. I simply ask for God's will to be done & to give me strength to endure as we see the ancient of Prophecy of Esdras fulfilled. The glorious thing about that prophecy is that we are so very Clos eto the End & Jesus does return at teh end.
I believe it is in Second Esdras 11-12. I will need to re read it again. I try to hit it every year. There is a prophecy about a 3 headed eagle beast (which is an end times beast) & a line of kings. I tend to believe the line of Kings start with the formation of the beast. The 2nd king is given terms twice as long as any before or after Franklin D Roosevelt (interestingly it starts with Hoover who is labeled in movies like Clue as the FBI guy). It accurately labels every single president as a 1 or 2 term Presidency & which president's were removed from office (JFK, Nixon & Trump). It makes it clear that Biden will not last as long as Trump & then the real fun starts. The next two who would take office come up like they should but sit back down. The heads finally wake up & the middle eats the left & right (maybe military/executive branch, though that is pure psculation based on what I currently see going on). The little horn with the eyes & mouth (antichrist) takes over & war is waged against the saints. I hope we are in that phase now if Biden is a paid actor, we are likely in the phase, but maybe not yet. I have found markers are what I need to look for to see where we are on the Timeline. In the end the Young Lion comes out of the woods chases the beast back to the land of the Gentiles. Jesus Christ returns after this point (though how soon I do not know. The nation will finally be ready to accept him as our Lord & King at that point from my understanding. The world will soon follow I hope.
I have always thought this young lion was either Trump or the MAGA movement since I saw the memes of the lion party that represented Trump.
Just so many ways this can play out, I just know that if Biden is elected again AND remains beyond Jan 2025, then we must have already had the middle head swallow up the other two & we are still in the time where the antichrist is ruling our nation making war with the saints & soon it will end with Christ's return. The rest of that prophecy is way too accurate regarding elected terms of US leaders to brush off as a coincidence.
I guess end of the day, either this prophecy will be played out for all normies to see & realize, or it is happening behind the scenes for those with eyes to see & ears to hear. I just hope the lord grants me those eyes & ears because I really try to see & hear what they are trying to show myself & the world as a whole.
Either way swimkin, I am hoping you see their glorious return. Having read your posts I think you have 10 to 20 years on me. I really hope you get to stand on that glorious day with us all to meet our Savior.
The dead in Christ rise first, so you absolutely can't miss it.
Re reading this with a different version of translation than I have in the past, Ezra (from the books of Esdras) it seems that two will stand up to share power & the three heads wake up with the middle head taking control of the whole world (maybe Kamala & Biden, or Kamala & Pelosi agreed to rule everything together in secret, though I really have no idea. Just speculating based ont he Timeline that things may have fallen into assuming Biden was removed before they announced someone else to pretend to be him).
Starting with 2nd Esdras 11:24 Trump would be the first removed wing. Biden set up & more quickly removed. Then two others agree to share control (again maybe Nancy Pelosi & Kamala Harris) though the middle head takes over.
11:29 the middle head wakes us while the two are planning & it takes control over the whole earth (maybe this is deep state, or maybe our military?) This is stuff that seems to be happening right now with various events Anons have shared here. This head has more power than all those wings (presidents) that have gone before.
11:33 the two heads continue to rule without the 3rd head & the right swallow up the left. Are these heads the branches of government, or something else? Could it be McCarthy removal was the removed left head? I really don't know?
11:36-46 A lion is rouses from the Forrest, maybe this is still to come. Maybe we are experiencing this now. Could it be those from the tropical rain forests of central & south America will be a part, or the lion itself that lays waste to the current system of oppression? I am hopeful. This is not those who come from outside the US. But rather Anons or MAGA minded individuals that rebuke the unconstitutional ways post Calvin Coolidge.
The first few verses 1-3 seem like the precipice to me.
Starting in 12:10-11 it seems like it is clearly spelling out the nation these wings/feathers/presidents are from is the last great beast that Danie predicted.
12:14-16 says 12 kings (that would end with Clinton) where the 2nd (FDR) is longer than any other president.
12:20 Eight kings will have short rule (president's with 4 year terms?). 2 (others) will be removed during those 8 (does this mean 10 total? Still trying to figure out why it stope with Clinton since I haven't written this & have leaned on others understanding when reviewing these in the past)
12:21 says the two perish at the middle of their tie (would mean JFK in his first election & Nixon during their 2nd?) will be removed in the middle of this time frame. That was JFK & Nixon by my understanding, though I will need to look at the years (or terms maybe) to see if that is accurate with time frame. Maybe these 12 wings/feather are simply to let truth seekers know they are looking at the right part of the line of kings here?
12:21 4 kept until the end approaches & 2 more until the end. Maybe I just didn't understand this correctly and there are two more leaders post Biden, or maybe there are two that tried to take control (ie shared power of Pelosi & Harris) when that middle head woke up.
12:22-24 Makes it clear 3 kings (rulers of some sort or is it symbolism meaning the 3 branches of government? Could be 3 different ruling families? ). They renew many things & shall rule the earth more oppressively than any before. Maybe there are 3 in control now that we don't see pulling strings?
12:25-28 Control meaning the black hat psyop. The middle (large) head dies in their bed in agonies. Maybe we will know who this is once we see some news of it if this is a person? Then the right head kills the left head (or they die to the sword/weapon/war?) & the right head finally dies.
12:29 I am thinking these last two feathers/wings that were moved to the right wing are Trump & Biden. They were saved for the last.
12:32 say the Lion is the Messiah that comes back, of the lineage of David will come & speak to them & judge them for the whole world to see.
12:34 sets the people (remnant of us all) free.
It seems pretty clear to myself that I need to study & consider some things more. Though it seems to me that if 2nd Esdras 11-12 are in fact talking about the Presidents of the US post Calvin Coolidge, then we are indeed in for an end time biblical ride.
Don't set yourself up for that. It's at least 50/50 that they will indeed steal the election from Trump again.
There is absolutely nothing that any normal regular people can do about it. Gotta just accept it and trust God. If He doesn't see fit to do anything, then nothing will get done, and that must be OK with Him.