If politicians solved the problems as they promised they wouldn’t have a job. Sort of like if people were healthy doctors lose customers. This entire system is parasitic and meant to suck our energy.
It was like a huge shadow was lifted from the country for a time. The stock market surged after election day, no magic wand required. Nothing magic or religious about it, just that those that were artificially suppressing our economy and negotiating power was weakened for a time.
When DJT took office on round 1, it was astounding how rapidly things changed for the better.
The cleanup this next time will be furious.
yep bull in a china shop followed by a half dozen bulldozers
The whole "Bull in a China Shop" is a saying I have heard for decades.
The irony is that DC is a place that China shops at all the time. Look how much, and how many, they have bought!
Problems that the uniparty politicians said couldn’t be solved.
Flynn is even going full “ Scorched Earth “ w/ Truth Bombs Lately.
If politicians solved the problems as they promised they wouldn’t have a job. Sort of like if people were healthy doctors lose customers. This entire system is parasitic and meant to suck our energy.
It was like a huge shadow was lifted from the country for a time. The stock market surged after election day, no magic wand required. Nothing magic or religious about it, just that those that were artificially suppressing our economy and negotiating power was weakened for a time.
I can hardly wait!
You’re gonna have to wait.
Two more weeks! Times many.