Don't forget all the refugees we have to absorb after blowing up their homes. They hate us and won't assimilate and leech off our welfare for generations
"Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
It's like House of Cards, only Underwood raided FEMA to give people jobs. These people raid FEMA to subsidize the invasion and great replacement
The blob is getting desperate and afraid they are losing the Narrative.
She crawled out of her cryo chamber just to whine about Trump on a news show. It's no surprise Trump hits back at those that flash their TDS from safe spaces.
He lives rent free in your head, that's for damn sure.
What a twist that would be in this clown world movie we're all in. The puppet resident in chief cutting his puppet strings and going MAGA as revenge for the coup he just went through.
And the feather Indians can't whine too much since they most likely conquered the land from others beforehand anyway
The illegals dont need to actually vote. They just need to be in the rolls so a ballot can be filled out for them and harvested.
Massive balls are required to do what Trump does.
His biggest threats are the people around him (ie Hillary, Obama, etc). Who knows what they said to him to get him to agree to step down when he was publicly saying he was staying in the race.
Only way a communist government can survive is offloading the useless onto someone else's government budget.
Oh boy I can't wait for every wealthy investor to send their money to other countries instead of investing here at home. I'm sure the good old Karen government will come in to fill that gap in the market... But will of course take equity in mind and make sure only their loyal Party Members get the benefits of my tax dollars.
It's the best strategy they have. It's not like they cam win on policy. What little policy they've admitted (price caps) even CNN is not having it.
They are the global extremist group
You come at the king you best not miss.
And deep down even they know that.
The left won't care. Her skin is dark enough to check the box.
Obama used to do the same shit. I've always translated it as "STFU it's time for your master to speak"
Just like how they snuck in two guys kissing for the new years midnight shot. Always with the grooming.
The sign language lady is way too distracting anyway
I'm still convinced it's either leeches worried about gibs or just rabid brainwashed TDSers who would vote for anything to keep Trump out.
Both sides are run by the same groups. Trump, as an outsider, forced them to reveal it far more than they preferred to protect the bigger grifts. Things like Obamacare was suddenly defended by those that literally ran on dismantling it. Trump not wanting to jump balls first into new wars also disturbed them. And apparently illegals are absolutely necessary for whatever agenda they have since it's extremely unpopular yet both sides keep pushing for more of it.
May not even be up to Jill!
No matter what amount we give them, it'll pay for itself in the long run if they actually leave