Can election rigging be prevented, Q seems to say they can.
Q Post 14 Was HRC next in line? Was the election suppose to be RIGGED? Did good people prevent the rigging? Why did POTUS form a panel to investigate?
People had to wake up. u/#q4089 Can't really save the country if people never learn and fall into the same traps.
We have in some cases 20x inflation People are losing their homes Their cars They cant afford basic everyday items
We got absolutely destroyed on Tuesday 75% of young voters say their only real concern with voting was ABORTION.
No one is waking up, Covid created a mega-mass of absolute brainless sheep.
We've all seen by now, the utter hell of the evil running us, and the majority is voting for more of it.
Honest Question, Do you believe people have actually woken up from your personal experience? I ask because it is such a subjective metric. From my experience of the last 7 years, the same people that didn't trust government before, continue to not trust government. The people that base their worldview off Cable News headlines still base their worldview on Cable News headlines. The fox news watchers are still fox news watchers. From my honest observation, some have even gotten worse, the democrats I knew in 2016 now support more government control and support more degenerate causes than before like anti-white and pro-trans crap.
They may be awake to what’s going on, but see themselves as powerless in what to do about it. It’s easy to confuse talking with doing, especially when those in power also substitute words for action.
In my circle, people have not changed. Just as hard hearted as before. They'll die before admitting I'm right and they have been wrong for decades. Sick, degenerates.
Found the same thing. I honestly think nothing was big enough, but maybe, just maybe Biden “winning” 2024 election might make a dent in normies little safe bubble.
Quite a few have, ive seen it in my circles Others will wake when the appropriate red pill is dispensed for them. (Everyones redpill is different). And then there are those who will never wake up. And then there are those whom are complicit.
Exactly this, people I knew from 2016 are on board, and maybe 5% are open but utterly non-actionable, the other 75-85% of people are exactly the same as before, a 5% shift left or right perhaps, but their apathy is utterly embedded, even if they were awake they'd still sleepwalk through it.