I don't think I like this. If Putin is destroying a corrupt center for money laundering, bioweapons, and human organ harvesting/ sex trafficking for the cabal then why would a white hat impact Russia. It can't be both. Either Putin is in on the plan and is helping or he is not.
I don’t have a link, and I’m very sorry for that, but I promise you that I saw an authentic video of Putin speaking at a large event, and the huge video screen behind him displayed a 17 for several seconds. More mundanely, numerous times he and other Russian spokesmen have restated several of the key lines from the Q drops. Add to that that Q basically says that Russia is helping.
I don't think I like this. If Putin is destroying a corrupt center for money laundering, bioweapons, and human organ harvesting/ sex trafficking for the cabal then why would a white hat impact Russia. It can't be both. Either Putin is in on the plan and is helping or he is not.
Exactly. Russia should be rewarded for what they have done and will soon finish.
Not a miracle? 😂
Putin is in on the plan 100%. To the point that people are actually DYING to implement the plan.
Rethuglicans and this speaker guy? Maybe not so much.
I don’t have a link, and I’m very sorry for that, but I promise you that I saw an authentic video of Putin speaking at a large event, and the huge video screen behind him displayed a 17 for several seconds. More mundanely, numerous times he and other Russian spokesmen have restated several of the key lines from the Q drops. Add to that that Q basically says that Russia is helping.
" Sound of Freedom "