60 LMAO 😂🤣😂🤣😂 Nikki? You guys are trying soooo hard! (redstate.com) posted 1 year ago by Irishman4Trump6 1 year ago by Irishman4Trump6 +60 / -0 Could It Be Nikki? New Poll Shows Haley Besting Biden by Larger Margin Than Any Other GOP Candidate 14 comments share 14 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Look at them attempt to wrangle the narrative these days. Its like watching a monkey fuck a football.
Her name isn't even presidential sounding. "Please welcome President Nikki"... Cue porn music intro.
To the Neo-cons, Joe Biden isn't doing enough to ensure we get into a world war that kills millions. They want to level Russia and Iran.
Personally, I am with Trump. STOP THE KILLING!!!!!
Besting Greasy Gavin Pelosi you mean?
No, it couldn’t.
Bitch loves her some war and death!
Another poll in the DNC lunch room.
Fathers need to keep their daughters off the poll ....
Kekity KEK😂😂😂
Parrots globalist talking points.
Magically ahead in the polls.
Shit is so obvious
I guess she's ahead of meatball and Krispy Kris.
Are those clowns still in the race?
Fake polls from fake news.