Your trying to say Jesus thought Mary was God? Wow, of all the bizarre Catholic teachings I've heard, that has to be the wildest, and most blasphemous one, yet.
I was replying to Doug1956, who said he thinks Jesus does not agree with the statement he appeared to be responding to "Mary is not God, she should not be worshipped" (it may be confusion in the way the messages are posted and responded to; I wish they would do like FB and put the name of the person you are responding to at the start of any comment where you ARE responding to someone)
I only read the Bible. Why do you think the Catholic church only recently even considered having their congregations actually read the Bible? If you read completely through the Bible, I think you will find that the Catholic church is in much disagreement with the Bible.
She isn’t. We love her for saying yes to God. Jesus loves His mother beyond measure and so do Catholics because of it. We will all find out someday how much she interceded for us whether we knew it or not. She loves all God’s children.
Even Satan can come disguised as an angel of light.
Mary is not God! She should not be worshiped!
Pretty sure Jesus doesn’t agree.
What's your sauce for worshiping a statue? Got any Bible, chapter and verse?
I’m absolutely sure that Jesus agrees.
Mary did not die for our sins on the cross, Jesus did. Mary could not die on the cross for our sins, because she’s not sinless.
Yes, I think that Jesus is very concerned about idle worship, and that people are worshiping his mother when she is not God.
I would have to disagree with you.
“For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,” I Timothy 2:5 NKJV
However; God bless you and have a great day.
Your trying to say Jesus thought Mary was God? Wow, of all the bizarre Catholic teachings I've heard, that has to be the wildest, and most blasphemous one, yet.
that is the opposite of what was said.
I was replying to Doug1956, who said he thinks Jesus does not agree with the statement he appeared to be responding to "Mary is not God, she should not be worshipped" (it may be confusion in the way the messages are posted and responded to; I wish they would do like FB and put the name of the person you are responding to at the start of any comment where you ARE responding to someone)
Where did that come from?
You can read the Cathecism of the Catholic Church so you know what you are talking about.
I only read the Bible. Why do you think the Catholic church only recently even considered having their congregations actually read the Bible? If you read completely through the Bible, I think you will find that the Catholic church is in much disagreement with the Bible.
Are presbyterians included?
She isn’t. We love her for saying yes to God. Jesus loves His mother beyond measure and so do Catholics because of it. We will all find out someday how much she interceded for us whether we knew it or not. She loves all God’s children.