MTG Demands Speaker Johnson to Form a New January 6th Select Committee: "There Needs to Be Investigations and Accountability for...
Speaker Mike Johnson releases security camera footage from January 6 Capitol protests, causing uproar among Democrats.
We don't need another well-paid committee. We need indictments and tribunals.
Yes, but do this AFTER every last person being held under J6 charges is released from jail.
What is criminal is the Jan. 6 Committee, Nancy Pelosi, Capitol Police, FBI, and the entire Congress are GUILTY of people being railroaded and targeted, thrown into jail without bail and convicted by a rigged, liber, Democrat D.C. For that all involved must be arrested and put on trial.
What do you guys think of MTG?
I think she's a white hat. Sometimes though she seems questionable.
I think she really likes being the center of attention.
I like her. Never know of course but right now I think she's on the up. Yes she likes attention but so what? As long as she's on the up.
Say what you will, this idea has merit.
I personally think she's a little dude. But I don't know. She says a lot of the right things. I guess we'll see if she gets results. I don't trust anyone in Congress at this point.
Yes. Air all of it on TV just like the democrats did, including 40,000 hours of footage. Force the TV networks to run it- even better if they can force the TV networks to run it during their primetime, woke sportsball programming.
Start with Pelosi’s laptop 💻 and all her comms.
Shouldn’t all the J6 defendants already have had this footage in their discovery? New trials for all those convicted
Shouldn’t all the J6 defendants already have had this footage in their discovery? New trials for all those convicted
Obviously, the insurrection was on the part of the DS. This committee is what we've invisioned for a long time. The truth needs to come out.
What was the committee that released the footage? Why don't they hold hearings or how are they different than what she'd like set up?
The speaker released the tapes not sure if a committee was involved.
Bryan steil was the chairman of the committee on house administration and the subreading room was the website used to distribute the files.