Dear Frens! I've been lurking here for some time but now, I need your help and your prayers.
I've got a couple of siblings but one of them has always been special to me. She is my best friend and we helped each other through some tough years early on in our lives and we kept close for over 50 years! To be honest, I don't think that I would be here today if it wasn't for her!
She works as a nurse and she's been doing that for more than 30 years. She's the most beautiful and good hearted person you can imagine but all those years in the medical business made her belive in the "Covid" bullshit. I think she got three or four shots but she knows what I think about it so she doesn´t want to talk to me about it.
Well, today she got the news that she has breast cancer and it was an aggressive form of cancer. She doesn't want to do chemo therapy but will probably remove both her breasts.
I've heard about Ivermectin, is that the best way to go or do any of you fantastic people her know what I can do to help her before she choses surgery?
We both live in Sweden if that matters in any way...
Thanks frens!
I was recently diagnosed with breast "cancer" as well. No Corona Con shots for me and I have a very healthy lifestyle, so I was in disbelief. In trying to figure out what could have caused it, I came across candida/fungal infections as a trigger. Sure enough, I had candida. The hospital doctors were selling me on butchering/poisoning and burning, without getting rid of the candida/fungal infection first. Sounded like a death sentence to me. My sent from heaven, healer doctor prescribed intense detoxing, i.e. Gerson therapy (green coffee enemas 4x a day) I CONSIDER THIS A SECRET WEAPON, AS IT IS CONSTANTLY FLUSHING OUT BADDIES - FUNGUS, CANDIDA, HEAVY METALS AND POISONS, DEAD CELLS SO THEY CAN'T HANG AROUND AND CAUSE MORE TROUBLE. Fluconozole (an anti-fungal) was a game changer, First dose, there was startling improvement. After the second dose I texted my doctor and said I didn't think this was cancer, but rather fungus - that's how much of an improvement is made. Also, Ivermectin and Fenben.
I'm seeing improvement every day to what the surgeon/butcher told me there was no cure for. They were going to do a mastectomy and remove my lymph nodes, chemo and radiation. Yeah, no thanks. The COVID shots are known to contain parasites. Have her try anti-fungals and anti-parasiticals ASAP. It can't hurt. Iodine (anti-fungal) is also huge for breast "cancer" treatment. Sodium bicarbonate kills fungus. Black seed oil (anti-fungal) also helps It's quite a protocol, but it's all working.
I will add, that a considerable amount prayer went into my decision to run from what I consider to be a form of blood sacrifice of women. God invited me to raid his medicine cabinet and pointed me in the right direction on so many things. Laetrile can be injected at high doses and has cured people from "cancer." Mistletoe is another, ozone therapy followed by IV Vitamin C. I haven't needed to try these things yet.
Please don't let them fear-monger her into their barbaric and medieval practices. God will be there for her, as he has for me. She just needs to ask. I'll be praying for her constantly.
If you have any questions, please reach out and I'll help any way I can.
Here are some very helpful websites:
What you say about Candida is bang on the money. I cured my candida by eliminating all yeast (beer, bread etc), grains, sugars and sweet fruits. This was extremely boring at first, but got better once I realized it was basically the Weston Carnivore diet, and I could get variety by eating seafood occasionally etc. This is important. Please encourage your sister to stop eating sugary slops and cookies. So many cancer patients think that cookies are a treat, when the sugar and flour are making things worse. Also, doctors never tell you this.
My mother died of breast cancer that spread to her bones. She was also a sugar addict, to the point that she lived on sweetened coffee, fudge and cigarettes. I remember she always had antifungal cream to stop the itching, even when I was a child - so she must have had Candida.
Cancer Breakthrough: How Metabolic Therapy is Changing Lives
How wonderful you are experiencing such great results FTrooper2!
Great advice to all with cancer...Gerson therapy, alkaline diet, also:
We will be praying for your sister! u/Nicathu 🙏💕
Wow just wow. Thank you and God bless. Candida is a big problem nowadays.
Yes, it is, especially with the over prescription of antibiotics and the typical high carb/sugar diet. I suspect mine was lurking dormant for decades, since I haven't taken antibiotics in over twenty years and my diet has been low sugar/low carb, anti-cancer for the last 15. From all the research I've done, I suspect many people diagnosed with cancer really have candida/fungus and never even know. After going through chemo/surgery/radiation many die of a fungal infection. They think they got it in the hospital, but probably had it al along and couldn't fight it, once their immune system was destroyed. My healer doctor told me cancer tumors are filled with parasites and other research I've come across says you can't tell the difference between cancer cells and fungus under the microscope. Also, Surprise! All the natural anti-cancer treatments out there are also anti fungal.
I am sorry I clicked in one of those bottom things trying to reply. Yes I have the feeling my dogs were full of parasites rest in peace, one of them (the baby boy) was full of cancer all over and (my baby girl) bladder cancer, she was so alive didn’t want to do it, she was desperate to leave that death room, I forced to die practically. If I knew before about all these things I know now they will be alive.😔 I cry and cry and today went to church and I as crying in spite both died in 2021. I really regret to put her to sleep. I live with this pain and can’t let go.
I'm so sorry and feel your pain u/Godisglory1 I totally understand because I've been there. We haven't vaxxed our furbabies for years.
I believe we'll be reunited with them someday. Blessings to you! 💔🙏💕
THIS! ☝️ u/FTrooper2
Great post! I can personally vouch for Oregano Oil, Ivermectin, Black Seed Oil, cutting all refined sugar, wheat, GMO's and PUFA, coffee enemas and adding in Bio-identical progesterone.
How do you use the mistletoe?
They're injections. They're more commonly used in Europe than the U.S. I found a doctor in Vermont who uses it in his practice and my doctor is contacting him to find out where to get it and what his protocol is. He's also trained in iodine therapy. Apparently low iodine is a risk factor. I've been using iodine topically with DMSO (50/50) on the tumor and it is shrinking it. This is the doctor's website.
That is very interesting. It drivese nuts that souch great knowledge is lost to "expert" opinions when all knowledge should be sought out & allow the best ideas really shine.
Thanks, I never thought of mistletoe as a shot.