If these assholes hadn't been stealing and misappropriating our money for the last several decades, they could have easily afforded to upgrade this ridiculous system. What an embarrassment our so-called government is.
The responsibility ultimately resides with Congress. You know, the money crackheads that control the budget and can never find anything to cut. Many of them are highly paid to be on the boards of NGOs, non-profits and think tanks that receive money from USAID. I suspect we'll find out who exactly has been getting paid what sums of money in the coming days and weeks.
The acting head of the FBI and acting AG are already firing people. It's hilarious. The Senate is stalling on confirmations, but it doesn't matter. People are getting axed all over the government. Trump outsmarted them again.
This is a great idea. Eric Prince makes some excellent points. There are so many former "operators" out there that would likely jump at the chance to do something like this - i.e. something that actually protects the homeland and the American people.
It depends on what the rate is and if there are any exceptions, such as food, heating oil, other things necessary to basic survival. Every other time this idea has been floated the rate was so high (20 something percent), my reaction was GTFO. Can you imagine how much that would add to a new car? More than most people pay in income tax. Plus, it gets added on to state sales tax. If it's a nominal amount, like 1 to 3%, that would be workable. In the teens or twenties - hell no! Trump never said replace income taxes with a national sales tax. He said replace it with tariffs. Let's just do what he promised.
They should start randomly raiding hotel shelters once or twice a week. It would get the numbers up quickly, stop our money from being further wasted and send a message to all illegals around the country that even if they aren't convicted criminals, they could be next. This might incentivize more to to self-deport. Start with Chicago and New York.
Jessie Czebotar testifiedj it was 2024. As a child, she was on a Project Looking Glass team with Elon and another child.