FTrooper2 15 points ago +15 / -0

A number of years ago I listened to a podcast with Catherine Austin Fitts in which she asserted that the abundance of fake, legitimate looking businesses in America existed to launder money for the criminal ones.

FTrooper2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most hilariously ironic statement he made: "Trump is an effing idiot." Uh...no bud, you're the effing idiot. An epic effing idiot.

The OMG team has been getting quite a few of these people lately. Have any of them been subpoenaed by Congress?

FTrooper2 15 points ago +15 / -0

Exactly! Columbia has been prominent in the news over these protests. But there's no campus police, NYPD or any type of security whatsoever keeping them in check? Seriously? No. Totally fake and gay!

FTrooper2 31 points ago +31 / -0

Who'd a thunk the president of El Salvador would be showing us how it's done. That was legend - and awesome for the people of El Salvador. I can't wait to see our country's crooks in prison.

FTrooper2 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm a state national and David Straight isn't the only one out there teaching this stuff. Some of what he says definitely doesn't check out, but the overall fraud is real. Since changing my status I stopped registering my car, which expired over 18 month ago, don't have a current inspection sticker and successfully challenged my property taxes on two homes in two different towns. I haven't paid them in two years. I've had state troopers and town cops behind me while driving and sitting at lights and stop signs. I haven't been stopped. So far, it's saving me a lot of money in my Commie state that allows full-term baby murder and child mutilation at tax payer expense, removed all vaccine exemptions for kids to go to school and provides free housing, utilities and everything else for illegals. I sleep a little better knowing I'm not funding it.

FTrooper2 13 points ago +13 / -0

Now that you mention it, the same could be said for America, Canada, Australia New Zealand, Europe. In fact, most of the world is in the same boat.

FTrooper2 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would not be surprised if this becomes the norm everywhere in the next year or so.

FTrooper2 3 points ago +3 / -0

If I remember correctly, Brett Weinstein, a biologist who went down to Panama to see the invasion operation for himself, discussed the bridge in his interview with Tucker Carlson s few weeks back. The Panamanian people have no idea their government is making backroom deals with China to build it. The construction will cause irreversible environmental devastation to the jungle, which is already suffering catastrophic damage from the trash and filth left by the illegals crossing through. It's a great in depth interview on the Darien Gap angle of the invasion. https://rumble.com/v4klp86-march-21-2024.html

FTrooper2 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem is, he said the food won't have cricket flour listed in the ingredients. We'll have no way of knowing, unless we know all the brands these companies produce.

FTrooper2 3 points ago +3 / -0

It's especially damaging to trade of critical products - farm and other large equipment, cars, ENERGY and hazardous chemicals, to name a few. Both imports and exports are hugely and adversely effected. One more way to grind us down economically.

FTrooper2 2 points ago +2 / -0

Who are all these people that needs organs? I know people need organs for one reason or another, but it doesn't seem that common. I've never known anyone who needed an organ transplant. This seems so strange that it's such a huge market.

FTrooper2 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hmm....thanks for reminding me about Chafetz. I forgot about that. I guess I'm being too harsh on them, especially knowing what I know now about how the deep state operates. I just remember being repeatedly disappointed in both of them for not following through. I appreciate the reality check. Nothing has changed since then. They're all bribed, blackmailed or threatened.

FTrooper2 13 points ago +13 / -0

It drives me crazy that people think we just have to elect Republicans and our country's problems will be solved. You mean, like the closing the border? Holding traitors accountable for their crimes? Investigating election rigging??? Stopping the funding of fake wars? No, they do nothing as long as they can launder piles of money alongside the Democrats. Remember Trey Gowdy and Jason Chafetz? Two perfect examples of complete loser frauds who did nothing but talk.

FTrooper2 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you're a state national, you won't get stopped in Maine. I've been driving with expired registration for a year and a half. The statute says 6 months expired and cop has no discretion. He must issue a summons and court appearance is mandatory. I've had state troopers,sheriff's deputies and local cops behind me at red lights, stop signs and following closely in traffic. I haven't been stopped once.

FTrooper2 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most of the shenanigans aren't happening at the polls during the election. We have dirty voter rolls the SoS refuses to clean up, providing a "line of credit" used during the month-long early voting. Also, lots of illegal ballot harvesting (disabled, mentally ill and incapacitated elderly) and of course, the machines. In 2020 we had countless towns with 85% - 110% voter turn-out. But no provable fraud.

FTrooper2 11 points ago +11 / -0

Wow, that is some exceptionally good printing for a first grader. The teacher must have a really large storage unit to keep every assignment from her students going back more than a decade.

FTrooper2 4 points ago +4 / -0

The article is describing the situation in Massachusetts. It's really bad in Maine as well. We have a dire shortage of housing here, with Mainers being kicked out of shelters and sleeping on the street and in the woods, while illegals just had an entire apartment complex built just for them, with free rent, utilities, health insurance - free everything for two years. It's disgusting.

FTrooper2 2 points ago +2 / -0

While I tend to agree, she's from the most libtard part of the state. Those idiots compete to out-woke each other and proudly display their mental illness every chance they get. It's a horror show. The city council meetings in Portland are truly shocking. Here are a couple more ways to reach her. (207) 553-0303 [email protected].

FTrooper2 7 points ago +7 / -0

I don't know how these cops sleep at night. Someday they're going to regret their role in all of this. It's really shocking how easy it is to get people to betray their country. Such treachery and greed....

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