I always enjoyed it when Rush told us the story of the true origins of our Thanksgiving. That story is also available in his Rush Revere childrens' books. We all miss his humor and brilliance and I thank God for having loaned to us the wonderful spirit of Rush Limbaugh for a time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Main takeaway from this clip, The Mayflower Compact was a try at socialism in North America. After a short while, they deep-sixed the compact, gave everybody a plot of land, and told them to work it. The result, a harvest and the first Thanksgiving.
Thanks for posting this. I passed it on to my normie brother who lives in Japan. My father was a huge rush, Limbaugh fan, and I think back in the day it was an actual subscription. My brother gave my dad a subscription to his show when it first came out.
I would love to hear El Rushbo one more time. He could beat liberals with half his brain tied behind his back! A true legend!
I always enjoyed it when Rush told us the story of the true origins of our Thanksgiving. That story is also available in his Rush Revere childrens' books. We all miss his humor and brilliance and I thank God for having loaned to us the wonderful spirit of Rush Limbaugh for a time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
It's also in one of his earlier books. I remember pulling it out to read it one thanksgiving. I sure miss him!
I so much miss him.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Main takeaway from this clip, The Mayflower Compact was a try at socialism in North America. After a short while, they deep-sixed the compact, gave everybody a plot of land, and told them to work it. The result, a harvest and the first Thanksgiving.
BTW, this needs to be sticked.
Hello dittoheads!
Rush was an epic American Hero. He is sorely missed
Thanks for posting this. I passed it on to my normie brother who lives in Japan. My father was a huge rush, Limbaugh fan, and I think back in the day it was an actual subscription. My brother gave my dad a subscription to his show when it first came out.
Hopefully he’ll listen to it today. Thank you.
Link seems to be giving an error. Here's an alternate: https://officialrushlimbaugh.com/the-true-story-of-thanksgiving/